Chapter 11

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Sky's POV

I started to cry even more because I broke a promise to one of the most important people in my life. I knew I made a big mistake but in my head, it kept saying that it was the only way to get rid of my stress. It lied to me. It just made my life even worse.

I walked slowly back to class like nothing even happened. There was no teacher in the classroom and class was a chaos. There was no one there to quiet them down. When I walked in, it suddenly just got quiet. I was worried for a second, wondering why they suddenly just shut up.

I walked to my chair and sat in it as everyone kept staring at me.

I yelled at them to mind their own business and they all went back to what they were doing.

When the bell rang, I grabbed all my stuff together and walked out the classroom door.

I walked to my next class and the teacher told me to run an errand for him. I started walking to the office and as I walked around the corner, I see Niall so I decide to run up to him. I gave him a really tight hug and I gave him a kiss on the lips.

"Hey babe. Its really nice to see you." Niall said while staring into my eyes.

"I love you too. I gotta get to class. I'll see you at lunch babe!" I said to him as I gave him a hug goodbye and walked off to my class.

All we learned about was the Civil War but I didn't really pay any attention.

The bell rang for lunch and I jumped out of my seat because I get to see Niall again. I walked to my locker and I put all my books in my locker and started to find Niall. I was just so jumpy and happy that I just couldn't help but smile. I go behind the school and I saw something that I could never forget. Niall was making out with the captain of the cheerleading team.

" could you?" I teared up.

"No no Sky! I can explain!!!!" He shouted at me as I ran back into the school.

"Sky. Just listen to me. Please." He begged.

"Why?! You are nothing but a fucking Liar!!! Fuck off!!! We are fucking done!!!!!" I yelled out with sadness and anger.

I ran out to somewhere where no one could see me. I sat on the ground just crying my fucking eyes out. Why did he fucking do this to me? Does he know how my life is right now?

I ran to the nearest girl's bathroom and sat in the corner.

I put a knife in my backpack from earlier for self defense from bullies. But I needed to use it now.

I zipped open up my backpack and found a big sharp knife laying in front of my notebook.

I grabbed the knife out of my bag and stood up with it. I put it up against the skin of my neck. Niall slammed the door wide open and caught me with a knife against my neck.

"Sky! Don't do this!!" Niall cried out.

"Goodbye Niall..."

Things I Love: Nutella and Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now