Chapter 5

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Cast of this story
Sky'Lenn: SkylennHandsaker6
Melissa: mwfrostbite13 (me)
Sky's POV

Fifth, sixth, and seventh period I didn't have with Melissa. She's an eighth grader and I'm a seventh grader, so we only have the first two classes together. I started to walk to fifth period which was Science. I don't really care for science at all really. I just sit at the table and don't really do anything. Every time we have to partner up for a science project, I'm always alone. No one in my class likes me because they think I'm too different from everybody else.

Today we had to build rockets. Which to other people, sounded fun. But to me, its boring and I didn't really care. I didn't want to do it. I'd rather get an F on the assignment, than do it. One of the groups was Shiloh and her slutty friends. That's right. Shiloh and her friends look like a bunch of sluts to be honest, but I didn't want to say it out loud because she would do something bad to me. They were wearing WAY to much makeup. It just didn't look good on them at all.

When the class was done making their rockets, we went to the football field which was huge. When we got down there, I sat on the bleachers, while the others got onto the football field. I felt all alone and depressed. A few minutes later, I saw Melissa running towards me! I was so surprised because I thought she had class or something!

"Melissa what are you doing here?! Did you skip class?!" I shouted. "No, I didn't skip class! I would never do that. My class is going down here for the class period today!" She explained. "Ok," I said. "I have to tell you something Sky. Please don't tell anyone! Do you promise to keep it a secret?" She said while looking at me straight in the eye. "I promise. What is it?" I asked. " Styles. There I said it!" She told me. "You have a crush on Harry? I just met him a couple days ago!" I shouted excitedly. "Really?!" She questioned me. "Yeah really! I also met his friends named Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, and Niall Horan. I also have to tell you a secret," I told her. "What is it?" She asked. "I like Niall Horan." I told her quietly. "Oh my god! Really?" She asked. "Yeah. His Irish accent and his glistening blue eyes just made my heart skip a beat. He's so friendly and nice!" I shouted excitedly. "I can help you talk to him tomorrow!" She said so happily. "Yes that would be great! I could also help you talk to Harry!" I said happily. "Yeah! Well I gotta go back to class, or they'll suspect that I'm gone. Bye bestie!" She said while trying to run back to her class. I was glad that we got to talk during class. That made me so happy.

As soon as my class was done, we started heading back to the classroom. Shiloh noticed me and I tried to hide behind the woodshop. She found me apparently. She waited for the rest of the class to go back to the classroom.

"How do you have a friend already? Huh? I thought you were a loner? Huh?" Shiloh told me while having me trapped in a corner. "Melissa is my best friend, I just met her yesterday." I told her while trying to hide my face. "I don't want her to hangout with you!" She shouted in my face. "I can be friends with whoever I want to." I said in a frightened way. "Fine, bye loser!" She said as she shoved me and started walking back to class. I just hated her so much I couldn't explain. I felt like I wanted to cry because there's nothing I could do about her. I tried to run back to my classroom, but the sixth period bell rang. I stopped by my locker to get my geography book. Sixth period for me was geography. As soon as I shut my locker, I started walking to class.

The hallways was crowded with people. All of a sudden, they started laughing at me. They kept calling me names like "whore, slut, loser, and a loner." They were saying things like, "you are so worthless, kill yourself you low self-esteem slutty ass loser." I started crying so hard! I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could. I threw my backpack on the floor and I sat in the corner with my head in between my knees balling my eyes out. I searched in my backpack to see if i had any Nutella, but i didn't. So, I grabbed the razor blade out of the side pocket of my backpack and started cutting my right wrist. I made deep cuts because of all the pain I was in. It stung so badly, I wanted to cry even more. I stopped crying and I got up off the floor. I rinsed the blood off of my wrist into the sink. I grabbed my bag and I decided not to go to class, so I just went straight home. As I was walking home, I remembered all the horrible things that have happened in my life. I tried to forget them. My mom was shocked to see me at home. "What are you doing home again so early?!" She asked in a worried way. "I got bullied again mom. I also....cut my wrist again." I answered her. "I'm guessing you ran out of Nutella. Just let me get to the store and I'll buy you some more." She said as she went out the door. I went to the bathroom to take my medication. It said to take two pills a day. I felt so worried about my life, I took 7 pills. I might as well just overdose because the only happy things in my life are Melissa and Nutella. About a few minutes later, I started feeling dizzy and as soon as I know it, I blacked out with my mom screaming in the background calling 911.

Things I Love: Nutella and Niall HoranWhere stories live. Discover now