Chapter 8

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Funny picture of Niall at the top ^^^^^^


Sky's POV

"I love you, Sky." Niall said with a smile as he stared into my eyes.

"I-I love you too." I said nervously with a smile.

Niall held out his hand and I put out mine. We both started to hold hands with our fingers intertwined.

I looked over to my right and I saw Melissa and Harry walking back towards the swings where Niall and I are. They kept staring into each other's eyes for some weird reason.

Harry and Melissa sat down on the two swings next to us and they also started holding hands with their fingers intertwined.

"Hey Harry, what's up with you and Melissa?" Niall asked, pointing his finger back and forth at Harry and Melissa.

"Oh, uh..we're dating now. She's my girlfriend." Harry said while smiling at Melissa.

"Oh, Sky and I are too!" Niall yelled with a smile.

A few minutes later, Niall and I looked to our left and we saw that Harry and Melissa we're kissing. I could tell that they were in love.

So, Niall and I decided to do it. We slowly moved our faces closer and closer until our lips touched. We kissed softly because we just started dating and we didn't want to go that far yet.

We stopped kissing and it just felt like time froze out of nowhere. It was just a great feeling to have. We both looked into each other's eyes and we both knew that we were meant to be.

We all finally got off the swings and started to look for Liam, Louis, and Zayn. They were running around playing tag like little children. We finally told them that it was time to go back home because it was starting to get dark.

"You and Sky are dating, I'm guessing?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, and Melissa and Harry are dating too." Niall said while holding my hand.

"Aww!!!! Two cute couples sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Louis said while making little smoochie faces.

"Oh stop it Louis!" Niall laughed.

"Yeah, what Niall said." Harry said awkwardly. Melissa just laughed at him and smiled.

Louis and Liam walked to Zayn's house with Zayn because they are all having a sleepover. Meanwhile, Harry and Melissa went to Harry's house and Niall and I went to my house.

I opened the front door and we both walked in and saw that my mom and sister were watching tv. My mom paused the show they were watching and her and Letha both stared at me.

"Um Sky, who's that boy that's with you?" My mom asked.

"Oh uh, this is Niall. Um, my...boyfriend." I said nervously.

"Okay well, just don't have sex or anything like that okay!" My mom smiled. "Kissing and holding hands only."

"That's fine with me mom!" I said.

We both went to my room and shut the door and locked it. He took off everything except for his boxers because we're not having sex. I started to change into my pajamas. I first put on a white tank top. When I was about to put my sweatpants on, Niall wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing Sky? You don't have to have sweatpants on, just stay in your underwear." He whispered.

"Fine I guess." I said as I put my sweatpants back in my dresser.

We both decided to snuggle on my bed and watch Netflix. He felt so warm against me and I loved it. In the middle of watching Titanic, we started making out.

We both touched our lips together with our tongues entwined. It was just a good feeling.

We finally stopped making out and continued watching the movie. When the movie was over we started yawning.

"Hey uh Sky?" Niall asked.

"What do you want Niall?" I asked politely.

"I need to go to the bathroom. Where is it?" He asked.

"It's on the right as soon as you walk out of my bedroom." I said.

"Okay thanks!" He said as he walked out of my room.

Fuck. I totally fucking forgot about the razor blades covered in blood on the sink! I'm so fucking scared right now.

"Uh, Sky? What are these?" Niall said as he pointed at the razor blades while his eyes were all teared up.


Things I Love: Nutella and Niall Horanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें