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Trinity La'Shae is a girl that every bitch wanna hate  but their nigga always flirting and wanna take her on a date, she turned down everybody's nigga and remain loyal with her nigga that stuck by her side since they were kids

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Trinity La'Shae is a girl that every bitch wanna hate  but their nigga always flirting and wanna take her on a date, she turned down everybody's nigga and remain loyal with her nigga that stuck by her side since they were kids. It was times where she had to fight to get her respect everywhere she go because bitches always looking at her funny but her nigga always there to backed her up and he learned how to tame his girl and told her that she's too pretty to be fighting especially when they have a baby girl together. Trinity was out with her family enjoying themselves at the carnival when she spotted her friends nearby waiting to get on the rides, her daughter Serenity stuck by her mama's side and held her hand. Serenity knew how to act in public but she doesn't play about her mama, she gotta little attitude on her.

"Baby you ain't going over there with your friends, come on let's go greet them."Rashad held onto his fiance/ baby mama's hand and placed a kiss on her lips. He's literally obsessed over Trinity he cherished everything about her and ain't planning on letting her go anywhere. He's also a good daddy to his daughter Serenity, he named her after her mama because he knew that she'll take after her mama. Trinity had greeted Caprice first since she was walking over with a smile written all over her face, she's the type of friend you gotta watch because she's a boyfriend stealer, it been plenty of times that she tried to get with Rashad but he wasn't going for it.

"Hey Serenity  baby,"Serenity waved and hiding behind her mama, she doesn't like Caprice because she see it all the time that she be flirting with her daddy.

Serenity is 8 year old and very shy sometimes, her mama had her when she was only 11 years old

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Serenity is 8 year old and very shy sometimes, her mama had her when she was only 11 years old. Rashad and Trinity was so in love with each other that can't nobody come in-between them two, not even their parents. They both had snuck behind their parents back and had sex upstairs in her bedroom with the door lock that's when she ended up being pregnant, Rashad ain't never left her side because he wanted a baby with her. It was times that both of their parents wanted them to get an abortion because they were young and still in school but Trinity don't believe in none of that, she wanted to be pregnant and she ain't never quit school, she continue going through with it until she had graduated. Rashad is the one who didn't continue with school, soon as his baby came he went to get a job he was 13 trying to help become a better parent. Of course both of their parents had tried numerous times to get the both of them to break up, Trinity mama thought that her daughter was too good for Rashad because she graduated and he didn't, she was talking big shit about him which lead to drama with his mama. Both mama's was going head to head, throwing punches at each other Trinity and Rashad got between the both of them squashing the drama and let them know that the both of them ain't leaving each other alone. Trinity and Rashad both young planning their whole life together, they made a pact to never break up until they got older. Trinity reunited with her male friend but kept the friendship on the level where no flirting allow since she's still with Rashad. The couple done spoil their baby girl rotten that she don't take no for an answer. They ain't allowed nobody around their baby til she got a little bigger that's when Trinity started bringing her daughter around her male friend Kentrell since both of their bond grew stronger.

Back at the carnival.... Caprice started a conversation with Trinity and the both of them started laughing together that's when the rest of the friends came over joining in the conversation. Serenity was acting shy and still hiding between her parents playing on her tablet and apple watch when she look up and spotted Kentrell, she ran over yelling his name with a  big happy smile on her face. Rashad look over at Trinity shaking his head and going to get his daughter, he hated how his baby was super close with Kentrell . Trinity and friends went to get on the rides having the time of their lives then they started making memories by taking pictures, Kentrell walked over to Trinity and everybody greeted him and wanted a picture with him since he's a celebrity. He pulled her away to somewhere quiet and he started expressing his feelings, every-day he can't never stop thinking about Trinity and even if she's engaged to her baby daddy that shit don't mean anything to him cause if he really want something he going to get it.

"Stop playing so much because you know I'm with my nigga, we're forever."Trinity laugh getting ready to walked away but Kentrell pulled her back and kiss her using his tongue, he been wanted to do for the longest, the kiss was going good til Trinity pushed him back and went back over to her family and friends. Rashad grabbed her hand and she smiled up at him, Trinity true heart belongs with the one she's with now but she felt in her soul that Kentrell won't stop bothering her. Serenity look between her mama and Kentrell shaking her head but she knew her mama ain't cheating on her daddy.

Asia stared over at her best friend Trinity then look back at Kentrell then look at Rashad shaking her head and started laughing, she was laughing because her best friend got these niggas going crazy over her when she ain't leaving her nigga alone. Caprice eyes keep shifting to Rashad, she really want him bad and she'll do everything in her power to make him be with her even if it lose her friendship with Trinity. Chasity is also one of Trinity best friend, she doesn't like Caprice because she know she trying to take Rashad away but Chasity not letting it happen. Chasity will do everything in her power to be there for her best friend because she refused to see her hurt. The four friends been down for each other since growing up, they literally does everything together.... When Trinity gotten pregnant at age 11 they ain't never talk shit about her being a young teen mom and still in school they stuck by her side and help her out with pregnancy and help get ready for the baby. Trinity grateful to have the friends she got in her life, they friendship is genuine and real.

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