・❥・Chapter 2

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(NOTE: All 3rd years in the anime are 2nd years in this, so everyone is down a year.)

"OIKAWA GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP RIGHT NOW BEFORE I GO UP THERE AND DRAG YOU DOWN!!!" Iwaizumi yelled out as he waited downstairs. "Jeez Iwa-Chan, there is no need to be so aggressive!" Oikawa exclaims as he hurries downstairs. Iwaizumi scoffed and smacked him on the side of his head. "Ow! So mean Iwa-Chan!!" he whined. "Ah Iwaizumi please be gentle with him" Oikawa's mother chimed in as her sweat dropped. 'Sorry Ma'am, but your son is always late, and I try to get him to class on time." He said as he bowed. "Honey let him; Oikawa needs to stop being late" Oikawa's father said. Oikawa's mom just chuckled.

"Alright dearies, have a good day at school and behave!" She said as they walked out and began to walk to school. "How is volleyball last week Iwa-Chan?" Oikawa asked as he checked his phone. "It was okay, the first years were not listening and the third years punished us all for what they did." Iwaizumi said as he let out a sigh, "What were those goof balls even doing?" Oikawa asked as they walked to their school. "Uh, something about this one ice-skater that won and placed 1st in figure-skating international competition." Iwaizumi said.

"Ohh, some popular figure skater..." he mumbled as he thought back to his old friend, he can't seem to remember his name, but he does remember the mole under his eye.

"What was his name?" Oikawa asked as he began to see other people entering the school. "I want to say Sugawara Koushi? I think, I'm not sure, I don't take much interest into figure skating unlike you. "Iwaizumi said.

'Sugawara Koushi....It sounds so familiar....' Oikawa thought as he finally entered campus and the bell immediately rang. "Ah! Iwa-Chan I'm going to be late to my class, Bye Bye!!" Oikawa said as he ran off and headed to class. He kept continuously repeating the name in his head wondering where it came from. 'Maybe it's from the TV at the rink, I shouldn't stress to much about it.' He thought as he finally reached his class. Once he stepped foot in the class, the bell rang. "Right on time." He heard the teacher say. He sheepishly smiled and headed to his seat. Once the lesson began, he tried to focus all his attention on the lesson.

He stepped out of the class clueless about what was just taught. "Ahhh... this is bad, I think I should head to the rink and clear my head after school..." he mumbled under his breath as he walked to Iwaizumi's class.

"Iwa-Channn!!" He called out as he stood in front of the classroom, he waited for a minute or two and no one came out of the classroom. He sighed and peeked inside of the classroom. Iwaizumi was talking with one his classmates and Oikawa began to overhear.

"Yeah! He's so cute and he figure skates. I can't wait for him to come here to Miyagi!! I'm such a big fan of his." a girl said as she smiled brightly. "I feel like everyone is talking about him, I didn't realize he was such a big deal." Iwaizumi said as he shrugged. The girl just laughed and bid her goodbye and left. Shortly after Iwaizumi left and was with Oikawa.

"All they do is just talk about that damn figure skater; I don't see the appeal." Iwaizumi said as he showed Oikawa a photo. "He looks so familiar, but I can't put my figure on it... he is very cute though" Oikawa admitted as he put his hand on his chin.

Iwaizumi just shrugged and they went along with their day.

The final bell rang, and Oikawa sighed in relief, he couldn't stop thinking about the familiarity of the figure skater. He walked out of his class and waited at the front gates for Iwaizumi, "Oikawa, go on home, I have volleyball practice, remember?" Iwaizumi yelled out as he walked in the opposite direction.

Oikawa sighed and began to walk home. 'What is it about that guy... he's so familiar...' Oikawa thought as he walked along the sidewalk.

Once he got home, he took off his shoes and put his bag beside the door. "Mom! Are you home?" Oikawa asked as he looked around and saw the living room light on. He walked to the living room and saw his mom asleep on the couch with the news on. He smiled and got the control off the coffee table and shut off the TV. He walked back to the kitchen and heated up some left-over food they had. Once he took it out of the microwave, he grabbed utensils and sat down at the table and began to eat.

"Tooru, I didn't realize you got home" he heard his mom say as he looked up and smiled. "Ah, I'm sorry I didn't wake you, you seemed tired." he said. She smiled and yawned, "Thank you honey, how was your day?" she asked as she sat down beside him. "It was good, I think I might head to rink after finishing up homework." he said as he finished up eating, "Alright honey, I hope you have fun and do be careful." she said as she ruffled his hair and got up. Oikawa finished up, washed his dishes and went upstairs to finish his homework.

Oikawa peered over at the time and saw the time read 8:37PM. 'I should start heading to the rink, it'll be less crowded.' Oikawa thought as he got up and packed his stuff in the bag he had over his shoulder. He walked downstairs and grabbed his coat because the temperature had dropped. "Mom! I'm headed out to the rink; I will be back soon!" He shouted as he opened the door. "Be safe Tooru!" He heard her yell out, "Yes ma'am!" he yelled back and put on his shoes and closed the door behind him.

Once he arrived at the rink he saw the owner outside, "Oh hi kawa!" the owner said as she turned and saw him. "I'm closing the rink right now, but you can still go in and skate, if you clean up after!" She said as she smiled, small wrinkles appearing around her eye. "Though someone is inside right now, just to let you know" she said as she opened the door for Oikawa. He nodded and thanked her.

"No need dear, I just love watching people skate, especially this young man in at this very moment, he is very talented." She said as she walked with Oikawa, "Is that so..." he mumbled as he set his bag in the locker and took off his coat. "Have fun Kawa" she said sincerely and walked away to go work on paperwork. He thanked her and put on his skates, and instantly felt relief wash over him.

'I think this will definitely help to clear my mind...' he thought as he made his way over to the rink.

He stopped in his tracks as he looked at the rink. There was another male who was skating. Oikawa watched carefully and the male's way of skating had mesmerized him. 'He does it so smoothly...' he thought as he watched the male performs various other tricks. "Ah, I see you met him" he heard the lady say. "Who is he?" Oikawa asked as he turned to see the owner.

She looked shocked but shook her head while smiling and walked away. "Wait who is he!" he asked, watching her walk away into her office. His sudden voice caught the attention of the other male who was on the ice.

Oikawa sighed and turned back to the rink and they both locked eyes. The male eyes widened and skated closer to Oikawa who was on the other side of the rink. Oikawa got a better look of said man. He had silver hair, light brown eyes, pale skin and a mole under his eye.

Oikawa's eyes widened as he noticed the mole. 'That mole... it couldn't be, could it...' he thought as he observed the male. "Kawa..." the male spoke softly, as he stopped right in front of him.

"It's nice to see you again." Sugawara said as he smiled.


WORDS: 1394

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