・❥・ Chapter 10 (Oikawa's POV)

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I was panicking when i saw Sugawara collapse. It all happened so suddenly. I saw him walk away and i just knew that man who was walking away did this. I felt my fists clench and i rushed over to Suga. I didn't have time to worry about him.

I picked him up bridal style and i put his hood on. I'm not leaving his side in public ever again.

I was looking at him while i was walking out, i saw a noticeable scar on his cheek. It wasn't there when he was younger. I am curious but i won't ask now.

I felt bad not getting him his things, i pulled out my phone and clicked on a contact and called them.

"Hanamaki, can you swing by xxxxxxx quick? I need to take someone home, they're not feeling well."

I heard him groan on the other end, "Fine, but you owe me. I'll be there soon."

"Thank you."

He hung up and i waited outside, also keeping an eye for the man i saw inside.

After a few minutes i saw a black car pull up and i saw Hanamaki in the driver's seat, he pointed to the back. I opened the door and i placed Suga in first and then entered. I looked in the passenger seat and saw a sleeping Mattsun.
"He was sleeping when you called, i had to convince him to sleep in the car."

I chuckled slightly, "Whose house, yours or your boyfriends?"

"He isn't my boyfriend!" I yelled.

"Mhm okayy, but where?"

"My house. It's safer for right now."

I heard him mumble something but i didn't hear it. He started to drive to my house and i kept looking over occasionally at Suga to see if he ever wakes up.

It worried me. He had been unconscious for so long. I turned his head at an angle and i saw the scar again. I grazed my finger lightly over the scar and i saw his mouth twitch. I quickly pulled my hand away.

He finally opened his eyes and i looked away immediately. I did not need him thinking I'm some sort of creep for watching him like that.

"Oikawa?..." i heard him mumble. I hummed and looked over at him, he had a very confused face and looked around. He turned to me, and it looked like he was asking for an explanation.

"I don't know what happened, but you fainted in the store. I called my friend so i could've gone to my house and let you rest there." I told him.

His eyes widened and he had a look of panic all over his face. I reached over and grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. He knows what happened and it obviously wasn't good.

I didn't want to talk about it in the car with Hanamaki because he might mistake the information and say stupid shit.

I saw we reached my house after a bit and i exited the car, Suga following behind me.

"Thank you Hanamaki, and tell Mattsun I'm sorry for disturbing his sleep" I said as i waved.

"Will do, Bye Oikawa!" he said as he waved back, and he drove away.

"Come, i didn't want to leave you in your house passed out when there are crazy fans there." I said as i led him to the front door. I unlocked the door and took off my shoes and set my bag aside. I turned on the light and i heard Suga close the door.

"Where is your mom?"

"She's working late today." I said as i got a bottle of water and drank it.

"So, what happened at the store?" Once i asked that, I saw him tense up.

He walked to the living room and sat on the couch. He patted the spot beside him, and I'm assuming he wanted me to sit there, i walked to the couch and sat down beside him.

I listened to him explain everything to me. "He fucking showed up at the store?" I mumbled quietly.

Suga only nodded, he started to fidget with his fingers. I took notice of this and i grabbed his hand. It was soft but it was cold.

"I won't let him near you again. I won't leave you alone like that ever again. I promise." I told him, i looked at him in the eye.

I don't know why but, i feel the need to protect him. I know he can defend himself, but still, i don't want him in harms way.

"Don't worry Kawa, I'll be fine." He told me, he smiled but i could just tell deep inside, he was scared.

I would be too, having someone trail me and know every little detail about my life? It's terrifying.

"It's late. I think you should stay the night; we have an extra guest bedroom." I suggested. He looked at the time and took a minute to think.

"Let me let my mom know." He said he grabbed his phone and got up and walked to the kitchen.

I grabbed the remote and I turned on the TV, I flipped through the channels until I saw an oddly familiar face on the TV.

It was Suga, they were airing his most recent performance. He looked flawless. He was graceful with every move he did.

He slid along the ice, and he looked perfect. He looked ethereal. I couldn't look away; you could feel the emotion he put in it and how strong it is. He was performing to an English song and thankfully I do understand English.

I looked at the corner and it named the song he was performing too.

'Second Best- Laufey'

I recognized that artist, she was popular, and I've seen her songs often on social media.

Once the performance ended, Suga came back.

"My mom said it was okay."

"I saw your performance. You were amazing" I told him, i looked over at him and he was looking down.

"Thank you, Kawa..." he mumbled. I smiled, "It's been a long day, I'll lend you some clothes."

He smiled and i got up. I walked up to my room and grabbed a pair of pj's and i handed them to Suga who was following behind me.

"Thank you, Kawa, Goodnight."

"Goodnight Suga." I told him.

He walked out and he found his way to the guest bedroom. I laughed at first when i saw him struggling to find his way to the bedroom.

He sent me a glare and I quickly ran back into my room.

I changed into my pj's and i exited my room to go brush my teeth.

OH i forgot to give him a spare tooth brush, while i had the toothbrush in my mouth, i went over to room Suga was in and i knocked.

Suga opened it and looked at me confused.


I handed him the spare toothbrush and he laughed. He pulled his phone out and took a picture of me.

I glared at him and i pushed his head back, "Go brush your teeth or your breath will stink Kawa." He said as he laughed a tiny bit.

I smiled and walked back to the bathroom and spit. I rinsed my mouth with water and spat it back out.

I dried my face and i walked back to my room. I closed my door and turned off the light. I plugged my phone into the charger and i laid down in my bed and i covered myself in my blankets.

It was an eventful day today. I don't know what to make of it. 


WORDS: 1281

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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