・❥・ Chapter 4 (Oikawa's POV)

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My heart was beating out of my chest, I thought it was about to jump out my chest. I didn't know how to respond, I don't remember his name well, I know it started with an S. "I see you met Sugawara again Oikawa." I heard Mrs. Tottori say.

Sugawara Koushi. He's that figure skater I've been seeing so much about. That's why he looked so familiar. He was the boy from years ago. I felt myself start to smile. "Yeah, again." I spoke. At the same time, I felt a pang in my chest. Even if I didn't know him for long, he left me alone, not even letting me know he would be leaving at any time soon. I slowly felt my smile disappear.

"You finally came back after all these years?..." I asked, I feel so many emotions all at once. I feel overwhelmed. I'm thrilled he's back and remembers me even after being gone and becoming famous. I feel important. But if I was so important, why didn't he tell me?

"I did. I am so sorry I never told you I was leaving. I didn't find out until the morning before." I heard him say. I didn't know how to respond properly. I had no right to get angry at him, especially since we didn't know each other for long. So why do I feel so upset?

"It's fine Sugawara-San. We weren't friends for long right? I don't see why it would matter." I spoke. As soon as I said that I instantly regretted it. I hadn't realized how bad it was worded and he looked a bit upset but covered it up quickly.

"I just thought you would've been upset. I remember a lot about what you told me when we were younger. I was one of your first friends..." I heard him say, he mumbled the last part, but I still heard it. I let the silence sit there and it was awkward.

"I see you sticked with skating all these years." I said suddenly and looked at the TV, seeing them interviewing him on TV. I assumed they recorded it earlier and are just now airing it.

"I did. It's why I left." He spoke. I was shocked and turned back to him. "It was?" I asked. I do remember him talking about training, but I never thought he left for his training.

Then again it was pretty obvious. He continued to talk and told me all about why he left and how it was in the U.S. Apparently the reason he moved countries was because his mom wanted him to focus on training seeing his passion for it and saw me 'distracting' him. Which I say is total BS. But his mom thought it would be a good idea to travel to a whole other country and focus on his training there.

"...I finally was able to win it all and then we came back here. It took so much training. Figure skating is fun. But I have a mixed opinion on all this upcoming fame..." I heard him say. I was shocked, once again. I love having the attention and having of all those fan girls at school and sometimes even at the rink when I come here during normal hours. It's exciting. It gives me a rush, I never thought someone couldn't like it.

"I know it must be weird for me to say all of this, everyone would think having fame like this is fun and games. But it's truly an invasion of privacy. I'm even lucky they didn't follow us home and my house is still a secret- Ah! I'm just rambling, I'm sorry Kawa." He said, he had a small smile with a light blush tinting his cheeks.

I smiled in response. 'It's okay Suga. It's interesting to hear your take on the fame and attention." I am being genuine. Although it still may be a little awkward between us, we seem to be warming up to each other much more as we continue to talk.

That is until I hear a phone start ringing. "Sorry Kawa, give me a moment." he said as he laughed embarrassedly and went to go and grab his phone. I saw him from a small distance, and he was talking to someone, I couldn't hear what he was saying but he looked more at ease.

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