・❥・Chapter 7 (Sugas POV)

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It felt so nice to get out. I'm happy Daichi was able to get me out of the house. It was nearly impossible.

I can't let my skating training go to waste. After all those years.

My trainer wasn't easy on me. He was Russia, one of the 'seemingly' best trainers there is out there. I don't think my bones will be ever the same. The stretching he made me do, i never knew my body could bend that way.

The only ever escape i got was with Kiyoko and him.

Him being someone I'd rather not think about. But I'm not letting that affect my future in skating. I adore it, it's enjoyable for me. The pain i went through wasn't for nothing.

Just thinking about it makes me hurt.


"KOUSHI! Your head is still not touching your leg. Bend your head more backwards."

"Sir i can't, it really hurts!" I said as i could barely hold my leg up higher any longer. The immense pain was going through my body. All of sudden, i felt his hand pushing my head further back. I bit my lip to stop the sudden scream about to come out of my mouth.

"That's better. All you need is a simple push Koushi." he said sternly as he observed more. He signaled to me and told me to stop.

I let my leg go back down and my head go forward. A sharp pain shot through my whole body and i have to push through. This trainer chose to work with me, regardless of the language barrier.

I have strict diets, workouts, stretches. It's all so stressful for me. I'm only 12. I will be turning 13 soon.

I was in 'good shape' for figure skating and this training is crucial. I had bruises all over my body. My mental health drops as the training goes on, my body hurts so much. I can't do a single step of my routine wrong or i will get reprimanded and a punishment.

I am tired, but i know this will all be worth it in the end. I will make everyone proud and show off my skill to the world. I want to be the best figure skater there is.

I know this training will get me there.


I do have to thank him for making me flexible as hell and perfecting my tricks. It did hurt in the process and i truly wish i didn't have to go through all of that, but i did in the end. I could've possibly prevented it if i ever had told my mom.

I know she was paying a lot of money for the trainer, i didn't want it all to go to waste. I sighed as i looked at the time.


I should try getting some sleep, but i can't sleep honestly. I keep thinking about everything I've done leading up to this moment. Especially when me and Oikawa were so close to each other. I thought my heart was going to leap out my chest.

Does he even swing that way?

I don't know. But i definitely did not want that moment to end but also, my arms were cramping and i don't want to injure my arms anymore.

Thinking about everything, it makes me miss doing competitions. I could do some if i wanted to but i do want a teeny tiny break for right now.

With all this fame, i can only hope he doesn't own a TV or else I'm screwed.

I don't think i can face him anymore. I hope he stayed in the U.S.

He might be a psychotic bitch if he followed me all the way to Miyagi. Although he may have helped me through hard times in the U.S, it doesn't make him any less of a psycho for what he tried to pull.

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