・❥・ Chapter 5 (Sugas POV)

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I am actually freaking out. 

The minute I wake up, and look outside, I see a giant ass crowd of paparazzi. Right outside my fucking house. I grumbled and went to the kitchen, "Mama, did someone find out our address." She looked directly in my eyes

"I'm hoping you're asking rhetorically." She said as she signaled to the outside. "OH, Sorry mom." I said as I closed all our curtains. She only sighed and shook her head. "I'm sorry honey you can't leave till they leave. It's dangerous. But! We can use this time to find a school now. Maybe you can enroll into that school Sawamura goes to!" She said as she rushed over to grab her laptop.

I smiled and sat down, and she sat down beside me, "I could, he goes to Karasuno." I said, I am excited I can surprise my best friend by randomly showing up to his school. His shocked face would be hilarious. I snickered at the thought of it.

"You two were inseparable as kids. I'm glad you guys kept in touch. He really did push you to be your best." She said smiling.

Daichi really did push me to be the best. Each time I looked like I was losing any possible passion, he kept pushing and pushing. He knew I loved skating, so he intended to keep me in it, and he intended to continue his dreams of volleyball. It never fails to make me smile when I think about all the old times and all my memories of him.

Speak of the devil. He just messaged me.

8:09 AM

Dai-Dai ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧: Koushi! How are you holding up? I saw your house on the news.

I mentally sighed and began to respond back.

**********: We are fine Dai; it just is frustrating. I thought it wouldn't be this bad in Miyagi. But I was wrong.

Dai-Dai ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧: I told you, didn't I?

**********: Yeah yeah, shut about it will you

Dai-Dai ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧: I'm just messing Kou, lmk if  you ever need help with anything later on.

**********: Gotchu Dai-Dai

Dai-Dai ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧: I HATE that nickname Kou; you've used it since we were kids.

**********: Thats why I love it so much

Dai-Dai ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧: Your going to be dead by tomorrow morning.

**********: Love you too Dai-Dai and its YOU'RE.

Dai-Dai ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧: lock your doors.

Read 8:16 AM

I laughed once I shut off my phone. "Karasuno would be a good choice mom." She hummed and opened her laptop and began to type away.

After a few hours, I finally applied to Karasuno and I am just waiting to see if they accept me or not. "Mom, is the people still there?" I asked as I closed the laptop and faced her. "I don't think so, it died down by a lot since the last few hours." She said as she looked out the window.

I sighed, knowing I probably can't go out today because of the paparazzi. I'm curious who gave a tip to my location. Or was I followed? But I made sure of all my surroundings and was careful. I even put on my hood and my scarf covered my face, no one could tell who I was.

If I rack my brain around for any more answers out of this, I'm going to drive myself absolutely insane. I sighed and pushed my hair back, "Kou, don't stress about it honey, take this time to relax." she said as she organized the kitchen. I sighed and went to my room.

I look around and I have no clue of what to do. I am so used to skating all of the time, the amount of time I've spent on training, I can't throw it all away. If I miss one day, I can fall behind. I've hurt my body enough for this progress to go tumbling back down. It's frustrating knowing that only one simple thing can hold me behind. I walked to my bed and just flopped down on it.

I have no clue what to do. All I have are small figurines, posters, a vinyl, and a laptop sitting on my desk. I sigh and get up and walk towards my desk. My room is still the same as I left it when I was young.

I was always a tidy kid, I never once let my room get as messy as others did. My room was left untouched ever since I left, not a single thing moved even once. It gives me a good feeling knowing I'm finally back home.

"Kou honey! Karasuno replied back quick!" I heard my mom yell from the kitchen. I dashed out my room and went to where my mom was. "What'd they say?" I asked as I peered over her shoulder.

"You will be attending Karasuno High School as of next week on Monday. They will send you your uniform in the mail this Friday or Saturday." she read from the email. I am so happy. I get to see my best friend again!

I ran back up to my room and grabbed my phone, I searched for Kiyoko's contact and clicked on it.

**********: KIYOKO!

I waited for her response as I tapped my foot impatiently.

Kiyo ★: Yes Suga?

*********: Have you decided to enroll into a high school at all?

Kiyo ★: I have. I decided to enroll into Karasuno. I like their teachers and the programs they offer.

**********: Same heree. Did they reply back?

Kiyo ★: Yep. I applied earlier and I will start attending in two days actually.

**********: That was smart Kiyo

Kiyo ★: It was. How are you and your mom holding up with all of the paparazzi outside?

**********: Don't even get me started T-T They are all crowded outside, and I can't go out and skate. It is so frustrating.

Kiyo ★: I understand. Just wait a little bit, I'm sure they'll stop stalking you slowly.

*********: I hope so.

Read 1:27 PM

Kiyo ★ hearted "I hope so".

I sighed and shut off my phone and put it on my bed. I am bored out of mind.

But what I can do is just sleep. Beside skating, sleeping is my favorite pass time, I just wanted to feel more productive before doing so. I hate skipping any training at all. I am used to my schedule and knowing what's in my way makes it 10x worse.

I sigh and lay down in my bed, i go on my phone and turn on some music. I stand on my bed and close my window right above my bed, I flop back down on my bed and wrap myself in my blankets.

I start to feel myself doze off to sleep. 


WORDS: 1168

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