part 17

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Chapter 17: A Race Against Time

Sean's Point of View:

I rushed out of the conference room, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios. Zeke had to be behind this. He was the only one who would dare to harm Jade and our babies.

I hailed a taxi and gave the driver the address of the coffee shop where Jade and Alex were. My heart was racing as I thought about what could be happening.

As we sped through the streets of New York, I couldn't help but think about how I had failed to protect Jade. I should have been there with her, watching over her.

The taxi screeched to a halt outside the coffee shop, and I threw a twenty at the driver before jumping out. I burst through the door, scanning the room for Jade and Alex.

And then I saw them, sitting in the corner, laughing and chatting like they didn't have a care in the world. My heart skipped a beat as I rushed over to them.

"Jade, we need to go. Now," I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

Jade looked up at me, confusion etched on her face. "What's wrong, Sean?"

"Zeke. I think he's watching you. We need to get out of here, now," I said, glancing around the room.

Alex's eyes widened in understanding, and she quickly gathered their things. "Let's go, Jade. We'll get you home safe and sound."

Jade nodded, and we quickly made our way out of the coffee shop. I scanned the streets, looking for any sign of Zeke or his goons.

As we walked, I could feel eyes on us. I knew Zeke was out there, waiting for his moment to strike.

I quickened our pace, my heart racing with fear. We needed to get Jade and the babies to safety, and fast.

Finally, we reached the apartment, and I breathed a sigh of relief as we stepped inside. We were safe, for now.

But I knew Zeke wouldn't give up easily. He would be back, and next time, we might not be so lucky.

Jade's Point of View:

I was still trying to process what was happening as Sean ushered us out of the coffee shop. I had been feeling a little spooked all day, but I had brushed it off as pregnancy paranoia.

But now, as we walked quickly through the streets, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were being watched.

I glanced up at Sean, his face set in a determined expression. He was trying to keep me safe, but I could see the fear in his eyes.

As we reached the apartment, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. We were safe, for now.

But as we stepped inside, I knew that this wasn't over. Zeke would be back, and next time, we might not be so lucky.

I turned to Sean, my eyes filling with tears. "What are we going to do, Sean? He's not going to stop, is he?"

Sean pulled me close, his arms wrapping around me like a shield. "We'll figure something out, Jade. We'll keep you and the babies safe, no matter what it takes."

But as we stood there, holding each other tight, I couldn't shake off the feeling that we were running out of time.

Zeke's Point of View:

I watched as Sean and Jade disappeared into their apartment, my heart burning with anger and frustration. They thought they could outsmart me, outmaneuver me. But I was always one step ahead.

I pulled out my phone, my fingers dialing a number I knew by heart. "It's time," I said, my voice low and menacing. "Take care of them. Take care of Jade and those babies."

And with that, I hung up the phone, my eyes fixed on the apartment building. They thought they were safe, but they were wrong. I would get to them, no matter what it took.

The game was far from over. In fact, it was just beginning. And this time, only one of us would come out on top.

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