part 21

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Chapter 21: The Rescue and the Reckoning

The man, whose name was Max, had been watching Jade for weeks, his heart heavy with sympathy for the young woman. He had seen the way Zeke treated her, the way he manipulated and abused her, and he knew he had to act.

Max began by finding a way to contact Sean, using a secure line to reach out to him. When Sean answered, his voice was laced with worry and fear, but Max's words brought him hope. "I've found Jade, Sean. She's alive, but she's in trouble. You need to get here, fast."

Sean didn't hesitate, rallying the investigators and police to locate the compound where Jade was being held. It wasn't easy, but finally, they pinpointed the location and devised a plan to storm the compound and rescue Jade.

As they approached the building, they could hear the sounds of struggle and screams. Zeke had realized Jade was trying to escape and was furious. The team burst in, guns drawn, and a fierce battle ensued. Zeke was determined to keep Jade, but he was no match for the trained officers.

When the dust settled, Zeke lay on the ground, defeated, and Jade was unconscious, bleeding profusely. Sean's heart broke as he rushed to her side, his eyes taking in the state she was in. She was pale, her face bruised, and her body battered.

They rushed her to the hospital, where an emergency cesarean section was performed. The babies were placed in incubators, fighting for their lives as Jade clung to hers. Sean was beside himself, his anger and fear boiling over.

As Jade fought for her life, Sean went to pay Zeke a visit in prison. He wanted to make him pay for what he had done, for the pain and suffering he had inflicted on Jade and their children. Zeke sneered at him, but Sean just smiled, his eyes cold and hard.

"You took everything from me, Zeke," Sean said, his voice low and menacing. "Now it's my turn to take something from you."

And with that, Sean began to torture Zeke, his rage and anger pouring out in a torrent of violence. Zeke screamed and begged for mercy, but Sean just laughed, his heart heavy with the weight of what had happened to his family.

Finally, exhausted and spent, Sean left Zeke's cell, his heart still heavy with anger and fear. But as he returned to the hospital, he saw Jade, her eyes open, her face pale but determined. And beside her, their babies, fighting for their lives.

Sean's heart swelled with love and gratitude. His family was back, and he would do everything in his power to keep them safe.

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