part 20---- The Hostage

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Chapter 20: The Hostage

Jade's eyes fluttered open, her head throbbing with pain. She was met with an unfamiliar ceiling, and her mind raced as she tried to remember how she got there. Suddenly, the events of the previous day came flooding back - Zeke's confrontation with Sean, the thug who kidnapped her, and the dark van that drove her to this unknown place.

As she struggled to sit up, Zeke's face appeared before her, a twisted grin spreading across his face. "Good morning, Jade," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "You're going to be here for a while."

Jade's eyes widened as Zeke reached out to touch her face, his fingers tracing her cheekbone. She jerked away, but he simply chuckled and continued his exploration of her body. His hands roamed over her shoulders, down her arms, and finally came to rest on her belly, where their babies grew.

"You're so beautiful, Jade," Zeke whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "And these babies... they're mine too."

Jade's tears began to fall as Zeke's grip tightened around her wrists. He pulled her close, his lips brushing against hers in a soft, cruel kiss. She twisted her head away, but he only laughed and continued his assault.

As the days passed, Jade's world became a never-ending nightmare. Zeke's touches turned from gentle to violent, his anger and obsession boiling over into brutal outbursts. He would lash out at her, his fists flying, and then collapse onto her, weeping and begging for forgiveness.

Through it all, Jade's body began to betray her. Pains shot through her stomach, and she knew the babies were in danger. She pleaded with Zeke to take her to a hospital, but he just sneered and told her she was fine.

As the hours ticked by, Jade's tears dried up, replaced by a numb determination. She would survive this, for her babies' sake. She would endure Zeke's cruelty and find a way to escape, no matter what it took.

But as the darkness closed in around her, Jade couldn't shake the fear that she might not make it out alive...

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