part 24

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Chapter 28: A New Surprise and an Unwelcome Guest

Jade had been feeling off for a few days, dismissing it as a stomach bug or exhaustion from taking care of the twins. But as the days went by, her symptoms worsened. She was constantly nauseous, vomiting, and feeling weak and fatigued. Sean was worried sick, taking care of the twins and trying to nurse Jade back to health.

One morning, as Jade was vomiting again, Sean insisted she go to the doctor. The doctor's appointment revealed a surprise no one saw coming - Jade was pregnant again! They were both shocked and overjoyed, having thought they were done with diapers and late-night feedings.

As they shared the news with the twins, Eden and Wesley squealed with excitement, asking if they could name the baby and help with feedings. The family was thrilled, and Sean and Jade couldn't wait to meet their new addition.

But just as they were basking in the joy of their growing family, an unexpected visitor arrived at their doorstep. It was Emily, Sean's best friend from his past, whom he had cut ties with years ago. They had been inseparable, but their friendship had taken a complicated turn when they became intimate on several occasions. Sean had ended it, feeling guilty and unsure of how to navigate their friendship after crossing that line.

Emily stood at the door, quiet and reserved, with a small suitcase by her side. She explained that she needed a place to stay for a while, having just gone through a rough breakup and lost her apartment. Sean was taken aback, feeling a mix of guilt and discomfort. He hadn't seen Emily in years, and the memories of their past still lingered.

Jade, sensing Sean's unease, welcomed Emily warmly, trying to make her feel at home. But Sean couldn't shake off the feeling of unease, knowing that Emily's presence would stir up old feelings and secrets he had kept hidden from his family.

As Emily settled into their guest room, Sean tried to avoid her, focusing on his family and work. But Emily's quiet presence was a constant reminder of his past, and he couldn't help but wonder if inviting her to stay had been a mistake.

As the days passed, Jade's pregnancy progressed, and the family tried to adjust to Emily's presence. But the tension was palpable, and Sean knew he needed to confront his past and find a way to reconcile his feelings before it affected his family.

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