02||New chapter

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Jiyeon's POV

The car slowed to a stop, and I couldn't help but gasp. My jaw practically dropped as I stared out the window. Haein had pulled up in front of a massive building, unlike anything I'd ever seen.

It wasn't just its size that left me speechless. The building itself was a kaleidoscope of colors, each shade more vibrant than the last. Playful murals peeked out from behind towering windows, hinting at the wonders that might lie inside. Even the ground seemed different – an expanse of green dotted with playful climbing structures that looked like they belonged in a dream.

"This is it!" Haein announced, her voice bursting with excitement as she practically leaped out of the car.

"This is... huge," I whispered, still trying to take it all in. It had the playful vibe of a preschool, but this place was massive. There was no way it could be just a school,

"And beautiful!" Aeri chimed in, her eyes wide with wonder as Haein carefully helped her out of the car.

This place truly was enormous. Its vibrant colors and whimsical details screamed "expensive" louder than any price tag could. Haein had been determined to find the perfect school for Aeri in Seoul, and while I'd given her free rein, I wasn't sure I was prepared for something quite this...grand.

As Haein and Aeri excitedly skipped toward the building, I reached out and playfully tapped her arm. "Haein, this place looks amazing," I whispered, a hint of teasing in my voice, "but are you sure about the price tag?"

Haein, drama herself, swatted my hand away and winked. "Relax, my friend! You worry too much. Besides," she added with a sly smile, "who says you are paying for it?"


"Come on, Aeri," Haein declared, taking Aeri's hand and skipping towards the entrance.

Aeri, ever her enthusiastic self, bounced along beside Haein, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the sights and sounds of the bustling school entrance. Parents, impeccably dressed in their finest Seoul attire, dropped off their children, the air buzzing with a mix of excitement and goodbyes. Aeri, in her usual bright and playful outfit, stood out from the sea of designer labels, a tiny burst of sunshine against a backdrop of wealth.

Haein, completely unfazed by the fancy surroundings, marched right up to a woman with a kind smile and a clipboard who stood greeting each child.

"Good morning!" Haein greeted with her usual flair. "We're here for this little firecracker's first day. This is Aeri!" Haein gestured towards Aeri, who beamed up at the woman with a shy smile.

The woman's smile widened even further. "Welcome, Aeri! What a lovely name," she said, her voice as warm as her smile. She glanced down at her clipboard. "And may I know her last name, madam?"

"Choi Aeri," Haein confirmed, her smile mirroring Aeri's excitement

"Wonderful! Well, Mr. Lee must be on her way shortly," the lady informed us. "Feel free to wait in the hall." With a warm smile, she ushered us inside.

Stepping through the doorway was like entering another world. Gone was the bustling entrance, replaced by a calm and inviting space. The hallway walls were adorned with a vibrant tapestry of student projects – paintings bursting with color, whimsical sketches that sparked the imagination, and even a display of potted plants overflowing with life.

"Wow!" Aeri exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. Her eyes, usually bright and lively, seemed to shine with the intensity of a thousand stars. "It's beautiful, Mama!"

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