03||Haute Cuisine Haven

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Aeri's first day of school had already thrown me a curveball, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight that greeted me now. Haein, a mischievous glint in her eyes, stood beside a towering structure that could only be described as a culinary palace.

Haein just launched me straight to Flavourtown with a job at one of her MASSIVE and FAMOUS restaurants!

"Haute Cuisine Haven," The name itself sent shivers down my spine. The name was emblazoned in huge gold letters, and the building itself looked like it belonged on a postcard – sleek and modern with expansive glass windows showcasing a glimpse of the luxurious interior. Potted olive trees flanked the entrance, and plush armchairs seemed to beckon weary travelers seeking a taste of culinary heaven.

Haute Cuisine Haven.

"Ready to go in, or are you gonna be a sidewalk gawker all day?" I turned to see Haein with a playful smirk.

Haein definitely knows what she's doing! This place is massive, even bigger, and fancier than the Yonginsi one. "You gotta be kidding me," I say, still staring at the giant gold letters of "HAUTE CUISINE HAVEN."

Haein just shrugs with that playful smirk. "Hey, someone's gotta work at the fanciest restaurant in Yonginsi, right?"

"You are so doing this on purpose," I accuse, but there's a smile tugging at my lips.

She throws her hands up in mock innocence. "Me? I ain't done nothin'." Then, before I can protest, she links arms with me and pulls me through the massive doors.

Inside, reality warps. Dazzling LED lights shimmer like a million captured stars, casting a futuristic glow on everything. A chandelier fit for Versailles descends from the impossibly high ceiling, each crystal catching the light and scattering rainbows across the polished marble floors. The air itself vibrates with the intoxicating aroma of aged vintages and the musky whisper of a thousand designer fragrances.

A couple of figures discreetly move in the background, meticulously polishing the gleaming surfaces. They break into genuine smiles as they recognize Haein, her infectious grin a beacon of warmth in this opulent palace of a restaurant.

"Alright everyone, gather 'round!" Haein boomed, her voice cutting through the clatter of the opulent kitchen. Heads swiveled, starched white uniforms rustling as chefs, servers, and bussers converged on her like planets aligning. Even their uniforms screamed luxury, a stark contrast to the usual cotton I was used to.

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