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"Aeri, honey! We gotta hustle!" I bellowed, my voice already hoarse from the morning's negotiations. Being a mom sure has its perks - giggles, cuddles, the pure, unadulterated joy of watching your kid paint the living room walls with washable markers (note to self: hide the markers). But the absolute exhaustion that comes with chasing a whirlwind in pigtails? That's a whole other level.

Every once or twice a month, it's the same drill. Some articles of clothing were deemed utterly unacceptable (today's target: the perfectly nice green sweater), leading to a frantic search for the "perfect" outfit. Then, just as we're about to head out the door, the inevitable "I forgot!" wail. Like clockwork, this morning's excuse was the "lost" teddy bear - conveniently forgotten 10 kilometers from home.

"Coming, Mama!" Aeri's voice echoed from upstairs, mischief lacing the edges.

I sighed, the familiar ache settling in my lower back. Here I go again, playing a game of hide-and-seek with a missing necklace – a pearl one, no less, probably shoved between the couch cushions during yesterday's princess tea party.

My Aeri, usually a sunshine navigating the world with the instinctual independence of a seasoned explorer, had morphed into... well, a normal kid. The kind who weaponizes their tiny legs in a game of hide-and-seek with punctuality.

"Aeri, sweetie! We're gonna be late for Auntie Haein's work!" I hollered, finally unearthing the pearl necklace from the treacherous depths of the couch cushions (courtesy of yesterday's impromptu tea party).

Haein sprawled across the living room like a starfish clinging to the last rays of the morning sun,  rolled her eyes with a theatrical sigh. Jingling her keys with exaggerated slowness, she called out, "Take your time, Aeri baby! Auntie isn't in any hurry."

I shot her a glare that could curdle milk. "Haein, only you two could turn a routine drop-off into a high-stakes chase scene! The whole Frozen marathon last night wasn't exactly conducive to an early start, was it?"

Aeri's giggles echoed from somewhere upstairs, a sound both infuriating and endearing. Here's the thing about Haein: she's the fun aunt, the one who encourages epic dance parties and Frozen marathons that stretch into the wee hours. Me? I'm the (slightly) more responsible one, the keeper of schedules and the enforcer of bedtimes.

"Chill, old lady," Haein retorted with a playful smirk. "Isn't a little chaos good for the soul?"

Just as I was about to unleash another round of "hurry up" pleas, a blur of sunshine rocketed down the stairs. "I'm here!" Aeri declared, striking a triumphant pose.

I scanned her quickly, half expecting a wardrobe malfunction or a rogue glitter bomb. Thankfully, she seemed (mostly) put together.

Letting out a sigh that rivaled the wind, I asked, "All set, sweetheart? You sure you haven't forgotten anything?"

Aeri scrunched her brow, her bottom lip threatening to wobble into a pout as she launched into deep concentration mode.  Taking the pearl necklace from my hand, she gave it a quick inspection and then declared, "Nope, I didn't forget anything!"

A skeptical eyebrow rose on my face.  This child, bless her heart, had the memory of a goldfish."What about Mr. Piolo?" I prompted, referring to her beloved stuffed rabbit – a constant companion and frequent stowaway in forgotten backpacks.

Aeri's eyes blinked three times in rapid succession, then widened comically. "Oh no!" she shrieked, before disappearing into Haein's room in a flash – a feat that would put even the fastest superhero to shame.

Another sigh escaped my lips as I plopped down next to Haein. "Jiyeooon, relax," she said, patting my shoulder with a playful nudge. "We'll get her there."

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