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Changbin's POV

The universe, it seems, has a cruel sense of humor. We lose the ones we hold closest, the connections that tether us to the world. It's never the ones we cast aside, the ones who bring nothing but negativity. No, it's the ones who love us fiercely, who believe in us with every fiber of their being, who vanish like smoke on the wind.

A sigh escaped my lips, a ragged sound that scraped against the raw ache in my chest. My fingers pressed against my temples, battling the throbbing pain that pulsed in rhythm with the hollowness within. The stark white of the computer screen mocked me, its artificial glow a stark contrast to the storm raging inside. And the conversation with Jiyeon... God, it was a fresh wound, a conversation laced with a truth that cut deeper than any blade.

What a fool I was. To think, for even a fleeting moment, that reason would conquer my heart. That my buried feelings wouldn't rear their ugly head, jeopardizing the fragile peace Jiyeon had finally found. The heart is a fickle and treacherous thing. It could elevate you to the highest peaks of joy and then cast you into the fiery depths of despair. And who was I to believe I was immune?

The memory of Jiyeon's tear-filled eyes, the hurt etched into her beautiful face, was a constant torment. My love for her, fierce and unwavering, had been the very reason I'd pushed her away. A misguided attempt to shield her from the darkness that clung to me, a darkness I feared would engulf her whole.

"It can't be worse than the pain you left me with,"

The words clawed at my throat, a desperate plea trapped behind a dam of unspoken truths. How could I explain the pain I inflicted was a twisted form of love, a shield forged from my own self-loathing? To keep her safe, I pushed her away, a cruel exile from this Kingdom.

The irony gnawed at me. I, a man who couldn't keep himself safe, who stumbled through life a chaotic mess, dared to believe I could protect her. How could I offer happiness when I couldn't even hold onto my own sanity?

The answer, a bitter pill to swallow, was a resounding no. Staying would have been a slow poison, a constant reminder of everything I wasn't good enough for – a lover, a protector, a man worthy of her radiant light.

The click of the laptop shutting echoed in the cavernous silence of the room. With a weary sigh, I reached for my glasses, the familiar weight a small comfort in the vast emptiness. My phone, a cold, metallic rectangle, felt heavy in my trembling hand as I stepped out onto the balcony. The night air, crisp and biting, was a shock to the system, but somehow invigorating. Leaning against the railing, I gazed down at the sprawling gardens below, meticulously landscaped but devoid of warmth. Everywhere, the glint of security lights reflected off watchful eyes – a constant reminder of the gilded cage I called home.

With a trembling finger, I dialed a number etched into my memory, each press a tiny hammer blow against my already fractured heart. The ringing tone stretched into an agonizing eternity, each repetition a fresh stab of hope and despair. Six rings. Voicemail.As expected.

"Hi, Haze," I began, my voice rough with exhaustion and unshed tears. "It's Changbin. I... I tried calling you, but..." The lump in my throat tightened, choking back a sob. "I hope you're doing well. And..." The words wouldn't come. The image of her tear-streaked face, the raw pain in her eyes, was a constant torment. My voice, and my soul, both betrayed me. Tears welled up, blurring the city lights below.

"Come back, Haze," I whispered, the words thick with longing and regret. "Your home misses you. Mom does... and... your big brother." The last words felt like a foreign language, scraping against my parched throat. Swallowing past the lump, I hung up the phone a lifeless weight in my hand.

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