04||Pools of hazel

23 4 92

Changbin's POV

Black sunglasses and a pulled-up mask felt like the bare minimum today. A CEO needed more but I'm lazy.

Stepping out of my SUV, sunglasses slapped on I hoped for a ninja-like entrance. But Nope. Wide-eyed Chan, looking like an overexcited puppy on helium, practically launched himself at me the second I hit the sidewalk... "Changbinnie!" he roared, engulfing me in a hug that threatened to crack my ribs.

My incognito mission was blown the second I saw those wide, goofy grins.

This guy and his smothering affection. Personal space is a concept he hasn't quite grasped yet.

Just as I was about to pry Chan off with a crowbar (metaphorically speaking, of course), four more shadows materialized. "Changbin-hyung!" they all chorused, launching themselves into a human avalanche. Arms flailed, voices echoed like a pack of hyenas, and somewhere in the chaos, I was pretty sure Jisung tried to climb my back like a koala. Don't even get me started on the tickle attack courtesy of Han and Felix.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled, shoving them off with enough force to (hopefully) dislodge any rogue limbs. "Missed you all tons, too. Especially the ear-splitting welcome committee." A sly grin tugged at the corner of my mouth despite myself.

These people drive me up the wall but seeing their faces – even the ones plastered uncomfortably close to mine – wasn't the worst way to unwind.

We somehow managed to navigate our way to our usual spot at Haute Cuisine – all the way from the ground floor to the fourth, a feat that would have impressed a sherpa – without any major detours or cling-related incidents. Settling into the plush chairs, a frown creased my forehead. "Where'd Seungmin and I.N. disappear to?" Those two were vultures when it came to free food, especially when it involved draining Chan's wallet.

Felix, ever the beacon of unhelpful information, shrugged and patted my shoulder a little too enthusiastically. "I.N. is sick, so Seungmin couldn't come. But he told me to give you this," he said, squeezing my bicep with a sly grin.

I gave a curt nod, relief washing over me. Seungmin's presence could be akin to a gnat buzzing around my ear. "Good."

"How was the trip?" Chan, ever the optimist, asked, giving my shoulder another questionable pat.

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