15||Who's That?

32 4 57

Jiyeon's POV


Duckie chaos. That's the best way to describe the scene unfolding in front of me. I tossed a handful of birdseed onto the water, and a flurry of fluffy yellow bodies descended in a feathered feeding frenzy. They squawked they shoved, they waddled ungracefully after one another, all in a hilarious fight for the biggest bite.

"Aren't they adorable?" I squealed, turning to Changbin, who stood beside me with a look that could curdle milk.

"Adorable?" he scoffed, tossing another piece of seed with a bored flick of his wrist. "They're just fluffy pigeons with anger issues."

I couldn't help but nudge him playfully, sending him off-balance for a moment before he regained his composure with a playful glare. "Hey!" he yelped, rubbing his shoulder dramatically.

"Oh come on," I teased, scooping up a particularly plump duckling in my arms. Its down was like the softest cloud against my fingers, and it peeped contentedly as I stroked its back. "Look at this little guy! So small, so fluffy, so perfect for cuddling!"

Changbin rolled his eyes with a practiced sigh. "You're obsessed with these babies. Makes me wonder how you'd react to having one of your own."

The mere thought sent a thrill through me. Tiny Changbin and Jiyeon babies, toddling around with chubby legs and grabbing at everything in sight. It was a picture straight out of a fairytale, and a smile bloomed on my face.

"Oh, they'd be worshipped," I declared, imagining myself as a doting mommy. "Not a single Cheerio would touch the floor. Every boo-boo would be kissed away with a million love songs."

"And I wouldn't be allowed near them?" he mock-gasped, clutching his heart dramatically.

I swatted him playfully on the arm. "Only diaper duty, mister. You'd scare them away with your scary muscles."

He scoffed, but a playful glint lit up his eyes. He muttered under his breath for a moment, then surprised me by leaning in and nuzzling his head against my shoulder.

"I think," he mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper, "our kids would be the most gorgeous, most awesome human beings on the planet."

A blush crept up my cheeks at the word "our." The idea of building a life with Changbin, a life filled with laughter and the pitter-patter of tiny feet, was a dream I hadn't dared to voice.

"Changbin," I sighed, trying to hide my smile but probably failing miserably, "remember, we're in public. People might think you're a giant softie who dreams of babies."

He scoffed playfully. "Let them think! A guy can dream of a family, can't he?" He puffed out his chest, flexing his arm for emphasis. "So, how many little monsters do you want?"

His question hung in the air, and I gazed into his eyes. Numbers didn't matter. I just knew, with a certainty that warmed my heart, that I wanted a future filled with Changbin, filled with love, and filled with the joy of raising a little herd of our own.

"Honestly?" I admitted, a genuine smile gracing my lips. "I never thought about a number. But if we're talking dreams..." I trailed off, leaving him hanging for a moment.

"Three?" he prompted, his voice a hopeful whisper.

"Four?" I countered, batting my eyelashes innocently.

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