16||Answer for an Answer

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Let's be honest, there's nothing more satisfying than watching Kim Seungmin twist in the wind. Especially when Mr. "I-Can-Hack-Anything" Seungmin, the pride and joy of the Korean National Agency's IT department, is getting his butt kicked by a simple Google search.

There I was, sipping my mojito like a tropical king, watching Seungmin pace back and forth like a caged tiger. Every few steps, he'd shoot me a glare that could curdle milk. Classic Seungmin.

"So," I drawled, taking another leisurely sip, "did you find your elusive mystery woman? Or are you still stuck wading through the cesspool of every dating app known to man?"

Seungmin slammed his fish – yes, fish – down on the table with a disgruntled grunt sending a spray of water flying. "My entire investigation is uncovering nothing but a wasteland of kiss-ass, get-ass narratives! Every woman seems to be a dud, and the only lead I have is this damn 'Haze'! Your ex-girlfriend has some serious ghosting skills!"

I smirked, a slow, infuriating one that I knew would make Seungmin want to rip his hair out. "Hmm, that's strange. Maybe you just haven't reached the right corners of the internet yet. After all, I am the enigmatic Seo Changbin, shrouded in mystery."

Seungmin gritted his teeth so hard I swear I heard them grinding together. "Your smug face tells me you know something we don't," he growled.

Well, of course, I did. Unlike Mr. Government-Hacker here, I possessed the knowledge of where Jiyeon actually was. But why burst his bubble of self-importance just yet?

I chuckled, shaking my head like a disappointed teacher. "You, with your fancy government access and top-secret clearance, can't crack a simple ex-girlfriend mystery? That ego of yours must be one seriously heavy burden to carry."

Seungmin's glare could've powered a small village. "This isn't some high school riddle, Changbin! That woman's disappearance or nonexistence is a genuine anomaly. Even the government can't track her down!"

Bingo. Now we were getting to the good part. Jiyeon my past and my tomorrow– that wasn't some weekend whodunit. It was a full-blown conspiracy, the kind that would make even James Bond take a nap. But why let Seungmin in on that little secret? Let him stew in his frustration for a while longer. The more he suffered, the sweeter my mojito tasted.

My sunshine twins, Han and Felix, suddenly zoomed in on me faster than a squirrel after a dropped acorn. Probably trying to distract Grumpy McGrumperson (aka Seungmin) who looked like he swallowed a lemon.

"Spill the beans, Changbin!" Han demanded, eyes wide as a cartoon wolf.

"Uh huh," Felix chimed in, bouncing on the balls of his feet like a hyperactive puppy.  These two only get this excited for food or serious tea. Knowing them, it was probably both.

They dragged me out on this beautiful day (perfect for picnicking, not serious talks!), which usually means one thing: emergency gossip HQ is open.  "You first," I countered, raising an eyebrow that could rival Jeongin's dramatic ones. "What's the sitch?" I ask, shades still on because, hello, blinding light.

They exchange a look and Felix, the bolder one, spills, "We chatted with Haze. Now it's your turn to spill the tea, mister!"

Did I hear Haze?

My head snapped up, eyes wide. That name mattered. Hearing it from anyone here was serious business.

"Hold up a sec," I said, raising an eyebrow in surprise. "You guys managed to track down the elusive Haze? What'd she say?"

"Truth for truth, Changbin," Han countered, his usual playful smirk replaced with a knowing look. "We spilled some tea, now you gotta spill yours."

Ugh, fine.

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