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Lydia decided to take a piece of advice from each person she talked to. She would reel it back a little bit so that she didn't come off as too mean, but she would also still use her natural humor so that Blake would still find her funny.

Right now Blake and Lydia were going to get food for themselves since neither of them had had dinner yet. They were in the car, but they were also on discord with Isaac and nick. As they sat in the car nick started using his sound board to make burping sounds. Somehow it made Blake's phone disconnect from car play. "I- dude it like took you off CarPlay, what?" Blake said trying to reconnect as they sat in the driveway.

"This one's called Bluetooth." Lydia heard nick say.

"Oh it's working now! It took like fucking five tries." Blake said ignoring nick.

"The Bluetooth device is ready to pear." They heard over the speakers. Lydia knew it was nick but decided not to say anything.

"Dude are you serious?" Isaac asked as nick played the sound again.

"Yumi, pair your shit!" Nick said starting the joke.

"Can you hurry up." Isaac asked impatiently.

"Is that not you? It's Isaac." Blake said confused, putting the car back in park.

"That's you that's your car." Nick said before playing the sound again. Lydia was trying so hard to hold her laughter in.

"Whatever, lyds will you fix it while I drive?" Blake said turning to her.

"I don't know how your car works. I drive a Chevy that doesn't even have CarPlay." She lied, her car has CarPlay.

Nick played the sound again. "What the f...fuck off." Blake said thinking they were playing a trick on him.

"It's literally your car, I don't know what the fuck you want me to tell you." Nick told him.

"I knew your shit was aftermarket." Isaac said.

"Can you fuck off!" Blake said. He didn't want Lydia to think his car was aftermarket. He knew she didn't care much for cars, but he still wanted to look cool in front of her. The sound went off again as Blake pulled up the settings.

"It is paired." Lydia said when she saw the Bluetooth connection status.

"Why does it keep saying that then?" Isaac asked.

"Can you fucking- quit playing it." Nick played it again right after Blake said that.

"What are you talking about?" Nick said as it finished playing.

"Nick is that you?" Lydia asked.

"What?" Nick said after holding back a laugh.

"Is that you?" Isaac asked.

"No that's his shit." Nick said trying to make sure no one knew it was him. "Brotha bought a boof ass-" he played the sound again.

"I'm gonna deafen you if you don't knock it off." Isaac said, finally getting fed up.

"I don't- what the fuck are you talking about?" Blake said still trying to figure it out.

"Yumi, please. Pair your phone!" Lydia groaned wanting to go get food.

"Is that not nick?" Blake asked looking at his car Bluetooth settings.

"It's your fucking car!" Nick shouted. They argued for a while longer about who was playing it. Lydia and Blake becoming more hangry by the second. Blake even shut off his Bluetooth but nick kept playing the sound making nick so upset with it. It wasn't until nick clicked the sound twice that tipped Blake off and Lydia burst out laughing.

"You are a fucking bitch! I hate you! I hate you! I fucking hate you!" Then he noticed Lydia was laughing and not upset. "Did you know?!" She nodded as she laughed. "Why didn't you tell me? Now we're gonna be late for Canes and the foods gonna be dog shit!" Blake said before he began driving to Canes.

"Dude, wait. Are you driving Yumi?" Nick asked.

"Now I am. I was waiting in the driveway the whole time, trying to fix it." Blake said.

"Were you like thinking that was your actual car?" Nick asked.

"Yes!" Blake shouted. They talked the rest of the way until Blake pulled up to canes. "What do you want?" He turned to Lydia.

"Oh, I'll pay for mine. Just make it two separate orders." She shrugged getting out her card.

"No, what do you want?" Blake said insistent on paying for her food.

"Let me pay for myself." She said slightly laughing.

"Tell me what you want or I'll guess." He said as he pulled up to the speaker.

"Let me order for myself." She said.

"Let me get a box combo with no coleslaw and extra bread with a large sweet tea light ice. Then a three piece with extra sauce and bread with a large half sweet tea half lemonade." Blake said to the speaker. Lydia was not only upset that he wouldn't let her pay for her own dinner, but she was also surprised that Blake had somehow guessed her order correctly. He hung up the discord call before driving to an empty parking lot. They ate their food as Blake played some music and the two talked.

"So...I have to go to New York, in a week..." Lydia told Blake as she ate her second piece of toast.

"Oh? Why?" Blake asked eating his own food.

"My mom told this girl I used to go to school with that I would do her hair for her wedding. So now I have to do her as her bridesmaids hair for the wedding."

"Why not just tell her you're busy?"

"Cause that would be lying and I already booked her since I was fully open for that day."

"When is the wedding?"

"May eleventh..."

"Isn't that-" Lydia cut him off.


"Why didn't you tell her that, that's a fully valid excuse."

"Because the words 'that works for me' flew out of my mouth before I even processed it."

"Call her back and cancel then."

"The wedding is a week away I don't want to inconvenience her."

"Then take the weekend off."

"I already did, so I have enough time to fly back and put all my stuff away and relax."

"Look, me and the guys will fly to New York with you and the night of your birthday we will celebrate." Blake offered, not wanting her to give up her birthday because of a small slip up or inconvenience.

"You don't have to do that."

"I don't have to but I want to."

"Thanks, Blake."

"No problem, Lydia."

𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒍𝒖𝒋𝒂𝒉, 𝒎𝒚 𝒂𝒔𝒔 (𝒀𝒖𝒎𝒊)Where stories live. Discover now