To the Rescue

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*Ava's POV

Claire's two nephews were out in the field in the hamster wheels. Both of us ran out to where Owen was. "Owen!" I called out. He rested his hand on my shoulder "What is it?" I sighed "Claire's two nephews are out in the field not far from the Indominous Rex." Owen nodded and looked at Claire "How old?" Claire shrugged "We'll Zack is highschool age and Gray is tall." She said holding her hands up. Owen stared at her "You don't know how old your nephews are?" He asked.


All of us got in a jeep. We drove out into the field and stopped. "Stay in the jeep." He told us. I narrowed my eyes and saw an injured Braichasaurus. (Which is the long neck dinosaur.) I jumped up and got out of the car. I came over and kneeled down. I rested my bad on her. "Easy girl..." I whispered petting her. She then made her dinosaur sound, and I could understand her because of what I was. I then communicated with her. "What happened?" I asked. She gave me a sad look "The creature....she came out of nowhere.....but....your human. How can you understand me?" I smiled "I'm not like the others,but Mr.Grady here is a kind man." I said. She looked at me "And what about her?" I turned around to see Claire. I looked over at Owen next to me. He stared at me in awe but also amazement. "You can communicate with them?" He asked. I nodded. Claire rested her hand on the Dino's neck. I looked at the gashes on her. I rubbed her head and she slowly closed her eyes and passed away. Owen stood and walked over to the hill. I knew something was wrong. Slowly I walked over and looked. About five other Braichasaurus's were laying there dead. I covered my mouth a gasped. "It didn't eat them." Owen said. "She's killing for sport."

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