Chapter 7: Revenge On The Bitch!

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*Earlier at 5:00a.m.*

I woke up to find Amir and Amory staring at me, sadly (SADLY!?) fully clothed.

"Sup bitch." Amir sneered

"I hate you." Amory said in his regular cherry tone. He smiled with a hint of hate.

"Seriously." Amir agreed. "Why do you exist?"

"I-I-I-I d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-don't know?"

"Go die~" Amory made a heart with his hands before Amir started beating the crap out of me. Amory watched as Nyx, Juno, and Odette joined him, Nyx holding the popcorn. I could hear Athena crying in the other room. When Amory opened his eyes, he looked like he was aboutta sob.

"Amory, you can cry y'know?" Odette whispered to him. He started bawling somehow harder than Athena on the spot and went out to join her.

Eventually, Juno joined him with a knife, saying how she was gonna "nuke me".

And that's how this happened. BACK TO THE PRESENT (:< (whyyy)

"A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" I screeched, eating the duct tape and running 8 miles to my house.

Knocking on the door, Athena looked out he window. She immediately jumped up to the door and started fiddling with the lock. But, halfway through, she stopped. She looked up at me through the door window, and started crying. She then took the key out and went back to the couch with Nyx. Did- did she just lock me out? Am I so despicable even Athena gave up on me? No, no no no, no way. I can't be. I know the one person on earth who's nicer then Athena!

I ran 12 more miles, taking me about 2 hours and a half, but it was worth it.

Hesitating, I knocked on the door. Will... will they even let me in? No, they have to. I can't... I can't become self-aware.

"Amory? You home?" I called out. Please... Let me in. Don't make me become self aware. Don't make me apologize if I don't mean it.

(Why do these chapters keep getting shorter and shorter?)

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