Chapter 10: Am I A Furry Now?

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Waking up in the morning, I cut my ropes and opened the closet, but there were no clothes in there.

I sighed and just went out naked, sitting out in the living room on the couch naked. Vixenne came out, rubbing her eyes and squinting at me.

"What are you wearing? I can't see anything."

"W-w-w-why not?"

"Contacts. Foxes only have two color sensors."


She just went and grabbed a rabbit out of the backyard, splitting it in half and yelling for Foxxen. Or should I say Fox-xaddy (no, no you should NOT say that).

Fox-xaddy entered the room, silently grabbing the half of it and biting down on it, before heading to the bathroom, coming back blinking wildly. Before he looked at me, Vixenne left to the bathroom.

He looked at me, his eyes widening and one twitching.


"T-t-t-there was no c-clothes. T-t-to wear."


"B-b-but she's so t-tall, way to big f-for my ittle wittle fittle baby petite little babygirl b-body." He just stared at me, astonished, before going outside, grabbing an orange and white flower, bringing it back inside, putting it in a small bowl and smashing it with the smasher thing, as Vixenne entered the room, looked at me in disgust, looked at Foxxen, then went outside with a pot. She went to the stream out front and collected the perfectly clear spring water, bringing it back and pouring some of it in the bowl with the mashed up stem, petals, pollen thing in the middle, leaves, and all. He grabbed a little red dust from out of a pouch he had hanging from his neck (so did Vixenne), and sprinkled it in. He mixed it together, and walked over, telling me to hold it to my mouth. Vixenne left the house and went outside to a tree, grabbing the light brown/tawny-colored leaves.

"Drink up." He said to me. I slurped as loud as possible up the maybe-soup, my wounds suddenly all disappearing the more I drank. I finished the soup(??), all of my wounds, scars I've had for years, and pain disappeared. Plus, the potion I took when I was 3 making me 2 feet tall forever wore off, and I grew up to what my height was always supposed to be, 5'3.

"W-w-what is thi-this?" I asked.

"Healing soup from our (obviously) magic plants." Is this were-fox tribe magic?? Cool!

Vixenne came back with a bunch of huge light brown/tawny colored leaves and long blades of perfectly green grass.

She grabbed a needle, and quickly got to work, sewing the leaves together with the grass in only a matter of seconds. Damn foxes are quick as shit.

She walked up to me, grabbing my wrist and standing me up, yanking me up and pulling the leaf-dress over my head, reaching in and pulling my arms through the holes, and giving me the spare moccasins she was holding.

"Wear this." She growled. I put the moccasins are, and the leaves were surprisingly comfy. And fashionable.

They looked like this, but not a single person was wearing green ones. There were tawny-colored ones, red ones, gray ones, white ones, black ones, a mix of these colors-ones, you get it. The men/nonbinary folk wore these same outfits but it cuts off before the skirt (still has flowers at the bottom) and have pants like this too. (Flowers are always white btw.)


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