12: Cupid's A Cruel Motherfucker

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*I really like Jack Stauber and I just learned this song was by him, so yes*

Once back in Iowa, I sat down on a high up bridge in the middle of nowhere. A strong, deep, and wide river runs under it, and the bridge itself used to be a tourist destination, but if no one knows what Iowa is, you can't have tourists.

I walked up to the bridge, the high rails (like, 5'0ft) are now weak and weary with age. Should be easy to...


As I thought, just lightly pushing on the rails, they fell into the river below, crashing on some rocks before slipping into the the rampant rage of the river.

I stepped up straight to the edge, my heart heavy and my judgement clouded. Everyone's cruel, this world is dark and gloomy, with no future in sight. Both for it, and now me.

I raised my left leg and hung it over the ridge, like taking a step, ready to just lightly tilt forward. Just a bit...

Right before I tipped though, I heard a voice, yelling something. I don't remember what. Something along the lines of 'Don't do it!' or 'Wait!'. Maybe he just said 'Hey!'. I don't even think he was talking to me.

Even if he was, the second after I heard him, before I could even register that he said something, I began to tip forward, and I tumbled into the waters below.

-Cupid's POV-

Okay, Cupid, just a couple more loves to be made and then my shift is over, and Aphrodite can take over for the day. Who's after her again? I forgot. Oh, right, it's Me, Aphrodite, Eros, then God.

Okay, who's next. Uhmmm, oh, you two seem cute. Odette and Reid, was it? Alright, here we go.

Two more, two more... Oh, Vixenne and Somni? Didn't I already do that? Whatever, I'll do it again. Now...

Oh right, last couple is Theyo and Cyrene. Okay.


Okay, that's Theyo, now Cyrene...

"WAIT!" Someone shouted. I turned around to see who it was, accidentally redirecting my arrow towards this small blonde girl. It hit her in her hollow ass head with a loud THUNK, the arrow ricocheting off her fucking hollow head. But it did take effect. They're in love with each other now. Oh no.

-Theyo's POV-

I was walking up to meet my friend, Cy (Cyrene), at the practically abandoned bridge, when I saw a girl, despite her being short and practically Rapunzel, I don't want her to die ): . No one deserves to die! (She does.)

"HEY!! WAIT!!" I yelled, running towards her. She seemed surprised and looked my way, but not before tipping forward and falling. I swear I saw her fall in slow motion, she seemed to blush when she saw me, and I SWEAR (and I know I keep saying that a lot but bear with me here), her hair went up in two Tufts, like Alastor's, like she had animal ears. I felt like it was fox ears, but I dunno why.

(Hello. Sorry, she did not die. She's not going to die anytime soon. She survived obviously, she fell in love with him, he fell in love with her. More next chapter.)

Y/N SlanderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon