Random thing

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A/N: As you read in the title, this isn't exactly a trailer, but a random thing that came to mind and wanted to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"Well done."

"Very well done."

"I must admit, I am impressed R/N."

"You are quite the puzzle to solve."

"Tell me, Why do you persist?"

"Why do you keep fighting?"

"Eh, no matter."

"It's truly a shame that we're not gonna be able to do this little dance ever again."

"You already brought me the Bewitching Bell, you already brought me the Elements of Harmony. Therefore, you fulfilled your purpose..."

"You are no longer useful to me."

"You poor fool. You fell right into my hooves."

"You really thought that knowing who you were before all this would change anything... but no."

"Tell me."

"You know what all those monsters and you have in common?"

"They're all made through my blood."

"They all..."


"Ṯ̸̛̳̘̗̟̣̖̾͆̀̃́̑̈̈́̏́̾͋͠ǒ̷̡̥̬͖̦̗͉͈̟̺̼͙͍̯̾̊͘̕̚ ̶͎̙̖͉̣̜͎̤̊̒̈́m̵͇͍̏͌̏́̽͊̇̈́̍̚ĕ̶̡̥̝͙͉̙͎͓̗͔̘̲̩̂́͑͌̕͜.̸̦̩̤͓̣̭͍͓̙̣̥̓̑̉̃͌̃̄͛̈̄͛̽̓͠"

"You cannot change what has been started.
Your fate was set in motion the moment that fool of a professor agreed to create you with MY help!"

"Now why don't we have some fun before I get rid of you like the waste you really are?"


"Y̴͇̲͆Ô̶̢̗͠U̷̫͍̓̇Ŕ̶͙ ̵̫̎T̵̡̗̿̚I̷̮͛M̴̫̤͌͒E̸͈̾ ̴̡̱̌̒H̴̛̲͈͋A̷̡̍S̵̮͗̊ ̶̙͕́C̸̭̅Ò̴̜̠M̶̢̳̽̕E̸̳͉̚!̵̮̈̈"

"LET OUR FINAL DANCE BE T̴̜̊̔Ö̴͔́ ̷͙̓D̴̪͜͠Į̸̥̉̈E̷̛̖̐ ̸̳̤̚F̶̲̮͝O̸͈̤͑R̶̮̈!̶̠̽̈́!̴̧͛!̸̖̦̉͒"

"LET OUR FINAL DANCE BE T̴̜̊̔Ö̴͔́ ̷͙̓D̴̪͜͠Į̸̥̉̈E̷̛̖̐ ̸̳̤̚F̶̲̮͝O̸͈̤͑R̶̮̈!̶̠̽̈́!̴̧͛!̸̖̦̉͒"

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