Chapter 23: Happy End?

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I am excited to see where Natasha and Wanda are taking me. They wouldn't tell me when I asked, not even when I annoyed the shit out of Wanda.
Eventually she just kissed me deeply to shut me up, which was very affective. Whatever they got planned, it's something special.

I hope it's something outside because the weather is beautiful. There's a breeze going, which makes it a lot more comfortable. The air smells fresh because it rained last night and I am in an overall good mood. It's Friday and originally, I was supposed to have another meeting with Natasha today but somehow she pulled some strings and got me a day off of work.
I don't know how she does it but she does. Wanda doesn't have work to do either, which allows us to go out for lunch.

In fact, they asked me to go on a date with them and I couldn't say no. I also didn't want to say no.
This is the first date with the three of us outside the house. It feels special and so does this day. Maybe it's the day off work or the weather or my good mood, I just know today will be great.

We arrive at a restaurant that looks quite fancy, which we are not dressed for. Natasha still gets out and Wanda opens the car door for me. I take her hand and climb out of the car.

"This is what you didn't want to tell me about? A restaurant we aren't dressed for?" I ask, making Nat roll her eyes. She hands the car keys to someone who will park it and leads us to the front doors. The hostess welcomes us with a smile.

"Mrs. Maximoff." She greets Natasha, giving Wanda and me a smile as well. I glance through the windows behind her. It's not very full but the people here are all dressed very well and we definitely don't fit in. If it was just me who was underdressed, I would have guessed they forgot to tell me but we are all underdressed for this place. Natasha the least though, wearing neat jeans and a blouse. Wanda and I both opted for shorts and shirts.

"I'll take you up to your reservation." The hostess says, which I still don't understand. Surely, they wouldn't let us in here if we don't fit the dress code. But she does lead us through the entrance doors and to a flight of stairs.
The floor is carpeted and the walls paneled with dark wood. The atmosphere screams elegant and I feel mildly displaced in my shorts. A few guests look at us, clearly judging. I hold onto Wanda's hand, trusting they have a plan.

We walk up the stairs to find more tables but there are no guests here. Looks like lunch time isn't popular here. Natasha glances back at us and smiles. I still try to figure out what we're doing here. We aren't sitting with the other guests, okay, but it doesn't look like they serve up here.

Wide doors come into sight, leading out onto a big balcony. We step onto it and I gasp in surprise. There's a table set for three in the middle. Around the table are a few pillars that I've seen downstairs as well. But these ones are adorned with flowers and candles. The candles aren't one but still add to the atmosphere. The hostess nods into our direction before taking off. Natasha pulls a chair out for me and then for Wanda before settling down after us.

"This is beautiful." I say, looking out onto a park with a lake. We are in a calmer part of the city with less cars, so it's almost silent here, almost.

"Isn't it?" Wanda agrees, glancing around as well. I don't miss how she reaches for Natasha's hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Why are we sitting up here though?" I ask, not wanting to ruin the mood but I am curious. This balcony could easily fit four more tables but we are sitting at the only one. I doubt they don't use this space.

"Because I called ahead and reserved a table out here." Natasha explains, smiling at me and then looks at the view. I hum, accepting the answer. I'm aware, this must have cost her something but it's her money and if she wants to spend it on us, I won't protest. Besides, I highly doubt this is a big deal for her, moneywise.

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