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I come before you asking
to come here and see–
here lies a poetic anthology
of pain, deception, and agony:
Of treacherous friends,
idiosyncratic lovers,
and my godforsaken dreams.

Written and told
in a dark, twisted perspective,
where all my narratives
reflects and refracts
the very concept of reality.
You may see me telling stories
as if we're face to face
or I hid myself in the shoes
of someone I haven't met.

I come before you, telling
that this is merely a product
of my decade-old longings
and the bottles of my hurt,
wrecked beneath the darkness–
something I, alone, befriends.
A handful of madness,
remains in my closet,
and lives of people I have made,
living the life the universe never gave.

And as I look upon myself
with all the traces of abandonment.
I enchant my pain into beautiful ornaments–
framed my blues, used madness as structures,
and all the anxieties ticking like bombs.

Abandon yourself as you enter.

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