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My friends are righteous as they claim,
Throwing words without knowing how hard it is.
I don't intend to be the rain who rains on their parade,
But who are you to crucify me,
without hearing the pain it caused?

You laughed as you rubbed my wounds with salt,
Little did you know, what you did hurt the most.
My plea for empathy means nothing in your dictionary,
Dismissing my feelings, charging me with a case of insanity.

So, I'll come down
and you'll watch my thunders,
I hope you'll understand the pain I have gathered
As I filled your world with tears from the pain you caused-
For the heart remembers the words that haunt me like ghosts.

For I'll be your calamity,
I'll watch you drown and scream;
I'll bring forth apocalypse,
My poetic ecstasy.

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