So Long, Goodnight

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So long, goodnight,
farewell, goodbye;
Long gone, lost time–
won't see you tonight.

I sit down in silence,
watched him fade away;
uncertain responses
but I'll ask anyway;
cold as your shoulder,
but I didn't bother.

Tied you from me,
in case you drift away;
you can't be too honest,
you're playing too safe;
once felt I was home
but why am I leaving the door?

Then you said:
"So long, goodnight,
farewell, goodbye;
Long gone, lost time–
the darkest midnight."

Pretty it seems
the fates unfavored me now;
We're both different bookends
but yours tight bound my doubts;
a little peculiar for a person like you
to come back and ask me for a truce.

I swear it was sweet,
but I doubt ecstasy;
I slept with a knife,
in case you're not naive,
you're the darkest of blues,
I wholeheartedly choose.

But I said:
"So long, goodnight,
farewell, goodbye;
Long gone, lost time–
you'll never be mine."

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