The Elegy

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In my mind, I'm reading elegies:
of people I have met,
of people I will meet,
and people I will never be.

I filled my room with soliloquies:
my feeble-minded fantasies,
my suicidal tendencies,
and make believe my poetries.

I look away in pride and fear,
demonstrating all my monstrosities;
you never know the skeletons I hid,
so why the fuck you just let me in?

Then there's this guy who looks at me,
in every dark corner of the earth's alleyway;
he told me I was pretty interesting,
if he only knows the danger he's in.

But tonight, I'll read an elegy–
for the guy who sinned through musing me;
I took his breath and gave him blows,
a pair of scissors cut his manly throat.

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