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Little did I know,
that this one-horse town
hides the beauty I long–
bright as the afternoon sun.

I glanced between walks,
read in lines as you talk,
you should've known better
but vowed with me - forever.

There will be the days,
where the blues can't be escaped
and there will be nights,
where an ocean divides us in bed.

So, I'll write a poem
and hand it to you.
Whatever the weather could be
I have loved you since we were sixteen.

Little did you know,
in a room full of clowns
you'll find someone–
who's love doesn't fool around.

You'll watch him as he sleeps,
paint a smile on his lips,
he could leave the day after
but he stitched with you – forever.

And there will be days,
tension builds on the spaces we make
and there will be nights,
where love's not enough to take.

So, I'll write a poem
and post it to your door.
As the years passed and about to come in,
I will love you the way when we were sixteen.

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