Chapter 1

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Set in May 2013

I am sat in the back of a taxi on the way to my hometown Hollyoaks for the first time in nearly a year, since I have been away for nearly 9 months. I have always been a problem child just like my older sister Mercedes so my mum sent me to live with my sister Michaela in Alicante for a while, but she can't keep me away for that long, I stagger out of the taxi on the dog on the pond car park since I have been getting drunk in the taxi to pass time,
"Hey you haven't paid!"
I looked at the taxi man with fake sadness
"I'm sorry I had to get here as soon as possible, my grandfather has just died" I put my hands over my face and pretend to cry.
"Oh umm... I'm sorry it's on the house, let me get your suitcase" he got out of the taxi and grabbed the suitcase out the back for me.
"Thank you" I mumbled in a fake teary voice as I grabbed the suitcase off him and walked away with a smirk with a bottle of vodka stumbling a little since I drank a little bit too much to drink, which my mum certainly won't be happy with since I'm only 16.
I stumbled into the dog in the pond with my holiday clothes still on which isn't the best for England weather.
"I'm home!" I drunkly shouted.
"Lola?" Darren said in confused tone. As a few people stared at me in the bar, it was 5 lads and an older woman who I didn't recognise.
"Who are these people?" I slurred with a smile.
"These are the roscoes, they just moved here today"
"Who may you be young lady?" The guy in the leather jacket asked.
"I'm Lola McQueen, I'm sure you have heard of my famil-" I said as I stumble to the bar and accidently slip but luckily in time was caught by someone. "Someone's had a bit too much to drink" one of the guys smirked, I laughed "and you are?" "I'm Robbie" he smirks as he helps me get back on my feet. "So are these your brothers and mum?"
He nods "yeah, these are my brothers Joe, Freddie, Ziggy and my twin brother Jason and then here's my mum Sandy" they all smile at me. "Well it's nice to meet you all" I slur. "Darren, can I have a vodka and coke?" "Lola we can't be serving you, you're underage" he replied.
I roll my eyes "I'll be 17 soon it's fine, besides I have a drink anyway" I pull out a bottle of vodka and take a swig of it,
"Where did you get that from?" Darren asked from behind the bar.
"None of your business" I scoffed.
I look at Robbie and see he's smirking in which I laughed a little back.
"You shouldn't be drinking that" Darren ridiculed me,
"You ain't my dad" I rolled my eyes.
"I know that but you are far too drunk" he replied, his "Well then I'm going to the loft to enjoy myself, if no one is going to welcome me home properly"
Freddie chimes in "I don't think that's a very wise idea?"
I smile cockily "and you know what's good for me?"
I look at Robbie and smile "you look like good fun wanna go with me?" I slurred my words a little.
"Yeah I-" "Rob you are not allowed" Joe interrupted in which Robbie rolled his eyes.
"Maybe another time" I whisper to Robbie in which he gave me a smirk.
"Lola?" I hear a familiar voice from behind me,
I turn around to see my older sisters Mercedes and Carmel,
"Oh no..." I cover my mouth and before I know it I have thrown up on the floor.
"Have you been drinking?" Carmel looked annoyed, "No..." I lie. "Get home now" Mercedes grabbed my arm and Carmel grabbed my suitcase, "Nice meeting you" Freddie smirked as I was leaving.

"What do you think you're doing?" Mercedes asked as we enter the house and sits me down on the sofa.
"We thought you was in Alicante with Michaela" Carmel added on.
"Well I thought I would come home and surprise you guys" I reply,
"Well you definitely have surprised us, what have we told you about underage drinking?" Mercedes crossed her arms.
"It's not like you didn't do the same when you was my age, mum always said I am like you" I said back,
"Doesn't mean you should be doing it, what would mum think of this?" Carmel replies,
"She probably won't care since she sent me to Alicante since I was 'too much for her to handle'" i scoff.
"That's not true, and you know that" Carmel tried to reassure me,
"Really? Then why doesn't she hardly reach out to me" I raise my eyebrow,
"She just has a lot going on" she explains.
"That's not a good enough excuse to not at least  ring for 5 minutes!" I snap in an agitated tone, and me being drunk isn't making things any better.
Mercedes sighs, "just get to bed ok, you need to sober up." She tried to help me up and brought me to my room, which I have missed a lot.
"You need to change from out them clothes since there is sick on them" she passed me my pyjamas and closed the door to let me get changed, once I got changed I got into to bed and Mercedes and Carmel came in
"See you in the morning" Mercedes said as she turned off the light.
"Goodnight Lola" Carmel said
"Goodnight" I said back and as they closed the door I fell straight asleep.

The next morning I woke up with my head spinning with the worst hangover ever, I walk downstairs to John Paul, Carmel and Theresa in the kitchen eating breakfast.
"John Paul!" I smiled as I ran up to him and gave him a massive hug,
"Hey Lola Carmel told me you got back last night, how was Alicante?" He smiled
"It was alright, but I missed home a lot, when did you move back here? Last I heard you was living with Craig" I said as I ate a piece of toast.
"Well I moved back in December, and well... me and Craig aren't together anymore"
"Oh..." I said with a slight frown,
"Well I'm glad your back" he smiled,
"Me too" I smiled back
"So are you back for good?" Theresa chimed in,
"yeah, I have missed this place a lot even though it's a little hectic" I smiled
"That's good it's been a little empty here without you" she smiled back.
"By the way, where's mum?" I asked with a confused look,
"She'll back soon, she's just out with her boyfriend" Theresa replied.
I snicker a little, "boyfriend?"
"yeah he's called dirk" Carmel replied.
"Ah ok, I mean at least she's happy" I said back,
"So, what are we doing today?" I asked,
"Well, John Paul is now a teacher at Hollyoaks high so I say first things first you need to get enrolled in school" Carmel said.
I cross my arms "can I get enrolled tomorrow?" I groaned.
"No the sooner the better, we want you to get back on track, now get dressed for school" she said.
"I haven't even got uniform though"
"Just go in today in your normal clothes we will sort that out later today" John Paul replied,
"Okay" I sighed as I walked upstairs and got changed into a white t shirt and skinny blue jeans and black trainers. I walked back downstairs and back into the kitchen.
"ready to go?" John Paul smiled,
"Yep" I smiled back and I waved goodbye to Carmel and Theresa and walked to school with John Paul.

Authors note: hi guys this is my new story, I hope you all like it so far also I am so excited for Robbie to be coming back to hollyoaks next week so this story's timeline will be from 2013 to present so I'm so excited to create entertaining storylines for you all, thanks for reading ❤️

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