Chapter 6

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3 weeks later

A few weeks have gone by since Robbie got arrested and now he is done being grounded today which is good since the only times I get to really see him is in school so it will be nice to hang out with him outside of school. I have also been talking to Freddie a lot more as well which has been nice as he was so understanding about the Browning stuff. Today, I will be going to the Roscoes house for dinner, which will be a relief so I am not anywhere near Browning, I have been trying to avoid him as much as possible and I think Mercedes is sensing something is not right between us. Next week is also the wedding of Mercedes and Paul which I HAVE to be a bridesmaid, so I am not looking forward to that one bit.
Before I am going to the Roscoes to have dinner I am meeting up with Holly at the folly for a gossip session.
"Hey Lola" she greeted me as he walked over to me, "Hi Holly, how have you been?" I greeted her back. "Not that good, Cindy is proper getting on my nerves" she groaned, she calls her mum Cindy since she sent Holly to boarding school for two years and Cindy couldn't afford to send her for another year making Holly resent her. However, I am glad having my best friend back again since it was really boring without her in the village and school.
"Tell me about it, my me and mum aren't speaking still. To be honest I don't think I could ever forgive her" I state, "I don't blame you, what she did to you is unforgivable. I don't know why our mums think they can send us away without a single care in the world" she crosses her arms. "So I was thinking, you should come to Mercedes wedding with me, It would be a right laugh. Besides I don't wanna be there own my with Creepy Browning at any point" I sigh, "yeah of course, don't worry I won't let that ass hole lay a single finger on my best friend" she smiles. "Thanks, besides we can always blackmail him for booze at the wedding" I smile devilishly. "You are a genius" she smiles back. "This will show him he is messing with the wrong McQueen" I laugh.

After a few hours at the Folly hanging out with Holly, I head over to the roscoes. I knock on the door and Robbie answers and I give him a massive hug, "I'm so happy to see you" I smile softly, "chill out I still have been able to see ya at school, but I am happy to see ya too" he chuckles as he hugs me back. He lets me in and I walk into the living room where Freddie and a woman was sitting,
"Hi Lola this is Lindsey, Joes Fiancée" he introduces, "hi Lola it's so lovely to meet you at last, Robbie hasn't stop talking about you" she chuckles.
"Hi it's lovely to meet you too" I smile,
I sit on the couch next to them and Robbie goes into the kitchen to probably speak to his other brothers and mum.
"I hope you don't mind but I told Linds about what Browning did to ya" Freddie admits.
"I don't mind, but promise me you won't tell him" I beg her, "don't worry my lips are sealed, he did something similar to me..." she confesses, which makes me go pale.
"H-he did?" I go as white as a ghost.
"Yes, he tried it on with me at a conference last night. You are not alone ok, if you ever need to speak I am here." She says in a kind tone,
"Thank you so much, I am so sorry he did that to you too" I look a little guilty.
"Hey it's not your fault in the slightest, he will get his comeuppance one day" she reassures me. "I really hope so" I sigh,
"What's going on in here?" Robbie enters and sits next to me. "Nothing, we are just talking about Mercedes and Brownings wedding" I lied, I still haven't told Robbie about what happened with Browning.
"Alright well food is nearly ready, good luck mums cooked curry" he chuckles and fake gags as he walks back into the kitchen.
Freddie looks at me "you haven't told him yet?" He asked, "no, I don't want him to worry" I sigh, "he really cares about you Lola, he can sense something is not right" he tells me.
"He can?" I ask, he nods in response
"Okay, I'll tell him after dinner..." I sigh
"Are you sure you are ready?" He asks in a concerned tone.
"Yeah, it's better I tell him rather than him find out himself" I respond.

After dinner Robbie and I go up to his room, Jason is still downstairs talking to Ziggy about random stuff, we leave the door open as Robbie's mum doesn't trust us being in a room on our own with the door closed, even though we are just best friends, and I don't even know if he likes me like that anyway.
"Robbie there is something I need to tell you..." I say in a nervous tone as I sit on his bed,
"Yeah sure what is it?" He asks as he sits next to me, I start to get really nervous about telling him, Robbie places his hand on my leg to comfort me, "it's ok go at your own pace" he reassures me, "I haven't told you the whole truth on why I went of the rails and what lead me to being sent to Alicante." I tell him. He gives me a concerned look, "Lola you are worrying me..." he says.
"The reason is... I got took advantage of..." I confess. He looks at me with a mix of shock and anger, "by who?" He raises his eyebrow. "I can't say..." I mumble as I look down, Robbie gently grabs my chin and lifts it up and looks at me softly, "please tell me." I look into his eyes, "it was Paul Browning..." I confess as a tear runs down my cheek. His other hand clenches a fist, "I'm gonna kill him" he grits his teeth.
"No you can't say anything he's dangerous..." I beg him, "what he did wasn't ok Lola, you were only 15" he starts to get angrier, "please Robbie, if you care about me. You will keep this to yourself" I place my hand on his, "okay... but he ever does anything to hurt you again, I will fucking kill him" he tells me, "okay..." I nod and rest my head on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that, thank you for telling me. I will make sure nothing like that ever happens again to you" he says as he puts his arm around my shoulder, "thank you Robbie, you are an amazing friend" as another tear runs down my face, Robbie wipes my tears gently and looks into his eyes. "I'll always be here for you" he pulls me into a hug, "thank you, I'll always be there for you too" I respond as I hug him back.

After that emotional conversation, Robbie walked me home, and as I walked into the house Browning was in the living room. It was like he knew I was going to walk through the door which made me feel creeped out.
"Have you been avoiding me?" He asks,
"Shouldn't you be worrying more about my sister, you know the one you are supposed to be marrying? Not her younger underage sister" I glare at him. "What would your darling fiancée think of you taking advantage of her younger sister huh?" I add
"I told you, you better be careful with how you talk to me. You have no idea what I am capable off" He scowls. "And you have no idea what I'm capable off either" I shoot back at him,
"What are you trying to say" he asks.
"What I'm saying is, that you better get me whatever I want or I will expose you for the dirty pervert you really are, Dr Paul Browning" I glare at him as I get in his face. "Is that a threat?" He scowls. "No it's a promise... now first of all, I want you to supply me with as much booze as possible for me and Holly at the wedding." I demand, "oh and £500 by the end of the week, you know what's at stake " I add with a cocky smile plastered on my face. "I'm not being terrorised by you any longer" I scowl.
"You really think you can talk to me like that!" He snaps at me. "Choose wisely Browning..." I told him as I walk upstairs. I now finally have control and won't be walked over any longer. Next up, the wedding and let's hope everything goes to plan or will it all fall apart.

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