Chapter 14

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"Mums dead Lola..." Mercedes says trying not to tear up, "you're lying, she can't be!" I snap in denial, "there's no way she is dead I saw her less than 8 hours ago" I shout trying to comprehend what they just told me, trying to tell myself it's not true, "I'm so sorry Lola it's true" Carmel said as she came over and held me as I broke down into tears and she did too. "How did she die?" I said trying to say through the tears, "Browning shot her in the at the docks the police haven't found her body yet"
John Paul explained, "I'm sorry I can't deal with this" Mercedes burst out the hospital room.
After an hour of me and Carmel crying uncontrollably trying to process the news I looked at John Paul  I noticed he wasn't as emotional as Carmel and I  which I found pretty strange. "Carm can you leave me and John Paul for a minute I need to talk to him about something" I said whilst wiping my tears and trying to calm myself down a little bit, she nod and walk out the hospital room leaving me and John Paul in the hospital room on our own. "What is it you're not telling me?" I say whilst wiping my eyes trying to keep a firm tone, "there's nothing to tell" he says with a little bit of guilt on his face, "I know you John Paul, I know when you aren't telling the truth. You don't look half as emotional as the rest of us," I say raising my eyebrow. He comes over to the side of the bed and sits in the chair next to me, "okay, but you have to swear you won't say a single word" I nod, and he continues "mum isn't dead, we are trying to get Browning sent down for good but you can't let anyone else know ok?" He tells me in a serious tone. "Wait why would she only tell you and no one else?" I ask in a confused tone. "I saw Jim looked a bit suspicious so I followed him the airport, and well he was meeting up with mum. She made me promised to secrecy so you can't let anyone else know, okay?" She said in a quiet tone just in case anyone was outside. "Okay I promise" I say, my eyes are still puffy from all the crying, "but I still can't wrap my head around how she managed to fake her death" I say in a confused tone, "Jim provided her with a bullet proof vest and when Browning shot her at the docks she swam back out the water and met up with Jim" he explained. "Wow ok..." I said trying to process everything he just told me. The nurse knocked on the door, "come in" I said "miss McQueen we have some good news you will be able to be discharged from hospital tomorrow, you haven't suffered any brain damage and you're health has improved massively" she smiled warmly at me, "that's amazing news isn't Lola?" John Paul smiles at me "yeah it is, thank you nurse" I smile, and she leaves the room. I look at John Paul, "look I won't tell anyone but if you have any updates just please let me know" I told him, "of course, I'm putting a lot of trust in you Lola" he said, "I know I won't let you down" I nodded, Carmel then walks back in still visibly upset as it looked like she must have been crying out in the waiting room, "so what were you two on about?" Carmel asked us, "oh Lola was just asking me about when she starts six form and what she has missed so far" he lied and I nod in agreement,  "do you know if there will be a funeral?" I ask Carmel, "I'm not to sure, I think we have to wait a little bit more until the body is found. But if it isn't we are gonna have a memorial" she said as her voice broke a little from crying. "We will all look after each other okay no matter what" I said as I hugged them both, "it's getting late we will leave you to get some rest, you'll need the energy tomorrow since you're being discharged from hospital" John Paul said, "yeah that's fine, I'll see you both tomorrow" I said and they waved goodbye and I was left on my own trying to process everything that has go on today, on the first day of waking up from a coma.

After a night of tossing and turning and hardly getting any sleep, just as I was about to finally doze off someone knocked on the door, "who is it?" I groaned in exhaustion, "it's me" Freddie said as he opens the door, "oh hi Freddie what are you doing here?" I say as I tilt my head. "Robbie is at six form so I thought I could keep you company, it's nice to see you awake how are you feeling?" He asked. "Well I am sure this has spread like wildfire around the village, but my mum has just died" I said in a sad tone, trying to make it look convincing and not letting him catch on. "Oh Lola I'm sorry to hear that" he said in a sympathetic tone. "Its ok I am a McQueen and we always get through it" I saw in attempt to seem strong, "you know where I am if you need me" he said with a warm smile, "you and Robbie are the same, both try to act like the bad boys but in reality you are both just softies" I smile. "I know when I need to be a good guy trust me" he chuckles a little. "Well some good news is I'm getting discharged today so that should be good" I smile a little. "I can help you pack if you like" he offers. "Does your brothers need you at the garage I don't wanna take up your time" i say, "no it's fine honestly Joe wouldn't mind at all" he responds, "so does Joe and Ziggy know your here?" I smile. "No" he says knowing he's been caught out, which makes me laugh. "Classic Freddie" I laugh. "Okay I'm gonna get changed I'll call you back in when I'm ready" I tell him, he nods and leaves the room whilst I get changed into my clothes, which feels refreshing since I have been in hospital gowns for over a month. Once I got changed I call Freddie back in and we grabbed all my belonging and I discharge myself at the reception and as I am at the reception counter I see the paramedics rush in with the a familiar person on the stretcher, it was Mercedes!

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