Chapter 12

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Robbie's POV

It's been 3 hours since Lola left to meet Browning at the loft and I haven't heard off her, which made me start to worry. I have been waiting for her to reply to my text and she hasn't even read it yet which is worrying because Lols always texts quick no matter what. Freddie walks in the living room, "you alright Rob?" He asks, "no not really" I muttered. "Why what's wrong bruv?" He crosses his arms and stands in the doorway, "have you seen Lola today?" I ask, "no I haven't why?" Freddie looked confused. "Listen, I warned her against it but she is meeting up with Browning to blackmail him out of more money" I blurt out. "When did ya last hear from her?" He started to look more concerned now. "Three hours ago..." I tell him, "Rob we need to find her now!" He looks extremely worried, "Lola said she was meeting him at the loft!" I told him looking more panicked now it all sunk in, I have a really bad feeling something horrible has happened to her. I quickly grab my jacket and we both rush to the loft to find Lola.

We ran as quickly as possible it was 7:00pm so the village was quiet for the most part, we eventually make it to the Loft and to our horror Lola was lying there on the floor unconscious extremely injured, "oh my god Lola!" I rush over to her and check to see if she is breathing, "Fred call an ambulance!" I demand him, Freddie starts to dial 999. Luckily she is breathing, however her breathing is very shallow and weak so we needed an ambulance immediately. I lightly shake her body hoping she would wake up "Lola can you hear me, it's me Robbie. Everything is gonna be ok I promise" I held her body on my lap, waiting for the ambulance to arrive. "Is she breathing?" Freddie looked just as distressed as I did, "faintly, we need an ambulance as soon as possible" I say with panic In my voice. "Don't worry Rob the ambulance will be here any minute" he tried to reassure me, but nothing will calm me down until I know Lola is ok. "You need to call Myra Fred" I tell him, he nods and rings up Myra and Lola's siblings. I cradle Lola to comfort her even though she is unconscious, I wanna make sure she is safe no matter what. "I'm gonna get revenge on Browning for doing this to her" I say with pure hatred, "that doesn't matter right now Rob, first we need to make sure Lola is ok before anything." Freddie says. The ambulance finally arrives after what felt like the longest 5 minutes of my life, the paramedics rush over and make sure to check if she is alive, "do you know what happened?" The paramedic asked as they checked her, "we think she's been pushed down the stairs" I tell the paramedic,
"She's in critical condition we need to take her to hospital right now" the Paramedics tell us, making me panic even more, the police also turn up as this is now an attempted murder case, the policeman walks over to Freddie and I "do you know might of who pushed her?" He asked. "it was Paul Browning" I reply, the Policeman then pulls out his police radio, "this is officer Davies, we need to arrest A Paul Browning he is on the run for attempted murder he is highly dangerous we need him found as soon as possible" the Policeman talks into the radio, I look back at Lola and she's now being pulled onto the stretcher and being taken into the ambulance, "is it alright if I come in the ambulance with her?" I ask the paramedics. "Yes of course come on in" they respond, "Fred I'll meet ya at the hospital" I tell him in which her nods. The ambulance then began driving to the hospital and I held Lola's hand the whole way there bringing not only her comfort but me as well as I don't want to ever let go of her in case I loose her forever.

We soon arrive at the hospital, and Lola was immediately rushed into the emergency room, I look behind me to see Myra, Mercedes, John Paul, Carmel and Theresa rushing over to me. "What happened?" Myra said in a panicked voice, Freddie soon follows behind them. "We think Lola has been pushed down the stairs to the Loft" Freddie tells them, I was in too much of a state to even talk right now. "It better have not been you too" Mercedes starts get worked up. "Oi! It wasn't us, I think you should be shouting at your husband rather than me and my brother. She wouldn't be here if it wasn't t for us" Freddie put Mercedes in her place. "Then who did this to her?" Theresa looked really upset. "It was Browning..." I mutter, they all looked shocked except Freddie. "What? Why would he harm Lola?" Myra looked confused. "You're lying my husband will never hurt my little sister" Mercedes became defensive and starts to get angrier. "You obviously don't know your husband enough then do ya?" I snap back at her. "Robbie what do you know that you aren't telling us?" John Paul asked with concern. "Look I don't think it is my place" I tell them. "You tell us you trouble causer, what has my husband supposedly done to my little sister!" Mercedes asks angrily, "he's been trying to take advantage of her!" I snap at her, "you're 'perfect husband' has been trying to make advances on Lola for over a year and that's the reason she went off the rails, but you were to blind to see it!" I ridicule them, they all look clearly upset except Mercedes who looked in denial. "You're lying my Paul would never do that..." she shakes her head in denial. "Well it's true" I tell her, "how did we not know this was happening" Myra sat down trying to process this, "my little girl... how couldn't I see it happening" she whispered to herself. "I'm sorry this is the way you had to find out" Freddie tells them, "you knew about this too?" Mercedes raises her eyebrow. "Yeah I find out a few months back" he responds.
"Is he the reason she is in this condition?" Carmel asked, "yeah, she went to meet up with him at the loft and he must of pushed down the stairs" I tell them, We all stopped talking as we saw Lindsey who works here walking out the room Lola was being operated in and over to us, "is everything okay?" Carmel asked her anxiously, "Lola has received blunt force trauma to her head, we don't know how serious it is yet, we also have discovered she has some bruising to the neck as someone has applied pressure to her neck trying to strangle her. But, we have decided Lola will have to be put in a coma" she breaks the news to us. "A coma?" Theresa gasps, "yes I'm afraid so, we don't know for how long exactly but she is far too weak at the moment so it will hopefully bring up her strength and help her heal quicker" the Lindsey continued. "For how long?" I ask her, "we aren't sure at the moment but it could be between a week up to a few months..." she tells us. "A few months?" Myra asked as tears fall down her face, and Carmel consoles her, "But she is okay though, isn't she Linds? There won't be any lasting damage will there?" I ask her, "we don't know for know but the worst outcome is she could have severe brain damage or paralysed" she announces to us. Sending us all into shock, and worrying about the severity of Lola's injuries.

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