Chapter 4

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My eyes widen in shock,"Mum?"
"Lola, what are you doing here? Why aren't ya in Alicante with Michaela" She looked at me just as shocked. "I got here yesterday" I cross my arms. "Were you even planning on telling me?" Mum asks, "how was I supposed to tell you when you couldn't even be bothered to call me?" I scoff. "Lola don't be like that, I have been very busy at the florist" she tries to reassure me,
"Busy? Busy! You can't even take 5 minutes out of your day to talk to your own child, do I even matter!" I shout at her, clearly making my mum upset. "Of course you matter love, I just thought you didn't need me" she starts to get upset. "Of course I needed you, you're my mum!" I shot back, "you were getting to much for me to handle, you was spiralling outta control" she replied, "you should have tried to help me not send me away like I was nothing" I glare at her, "I can't deal with this" I go back upstairs and get some leggings and pink crop top on and my coat and head back downstairs.
"Where are ya going?" Mum asked, I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of wine,
"Out" I snap back. "Put that back" she demands which I ignore and head to the door.
"Get back here now Lola!" I ignore her again and slam the door and head to the folly.
I decided to text Robbie to keep my company:

Me: you up?

Robbie: yeah why?

Me: just had a row with my mum, I'm in the folly if you wanna join me

Robbie: yeah I'll be there in a few minutes, I'll have to be careful though incase I wake Jase up.

Me: okay I'll see ya soon

I sit down on the bench in the folly and open the bottle of wine and take a big drink of it.
A few minutes later Robbie shows up,
"Ya alright Lols?" Robbie asks as he approaches me, he was wearing a simple white shirt and black jeans and grey jacket.
"No, can I ask you a question?" I look at him as he sits down next to me.
"Yeah what is it" he replies, "do you ever feel like you are just the burden of the family?" I ask as I take another swig of the wine and hold it out to offer to him, he takes it and drinks some. "Sometimes, I have always been seen as the problem child, that's the whole reason we had to move here in the first place." He replies in a calm tone, he doesn't seem to bothered in what people think. Which is a good thing i suppose. "So go on then, tell me what you did that was so bad that you had to move to hollyoaks?" I asked whilst take another swig of the wine, "I tried to rob a shop, it obviously wasn't successful and well, my mum found out so she decided that the crowd I was in back in London was a bad influence. So she decided to move up to hollyoaks hoping I would behave" he explains, "I am guessing that isn't working to well?" I laugh a little as the alcohol was kicking in a little, "nah not really. Anyways, what about you? You must have done somet' bad to sent to Alicante" he laughs,
"Well, I started rebelling when I was 15 and began heavily drinking and dabbling in drugs. One day I got in a massive row with my mum for going to the loft drinking and getting high, later that night I had an overdose, and my mum said I was too much to handle. So she sent me to live with my sister Michaela, I'm fine now though" I explain, in which Robbie gave me a sympathetic look, "wow, that's deep" he replies, "tell me about it" I give a slight laugh. "We both are pretty messed up" Robbie jokes a little, "makes us more interesting though" I smirk a little, as I start to feel a little drunk. "Very true" Robbie smirks back.
"By the looks of things you moving to hollyoaks isn't doing you much favours" I joked,
"What do you mean?" Robbie raises his eyebrow. "Well Holly told me that you are trouble?" I laugh a little. "She is just a goody two shoes who follows Callum around like a little puppy dog" Robbie hits back jokingly.
"I think it's quite sweet, she's my best friend you know" I shove him playfully, "you guys must have nothing to talk about you are practically polar opposites" he fires back as he shoves me playfully back. "We grew up together, but she moved to boarding school and I moved to Alicante so we kind of lost touch but she's still my best friend even though we are very different" I smile, "that's like me and Jase, he is a mamas boy how is always well behaved and never steps a foot out of line, I'm the opposite. But we are still really close and I'll do anything for him." Robbie smiles a little
"That's really sweet" I smile softly, "shut it you" Robbie says in a playful tone. "I'm telling the truth" I giggle a little. The tension grows thick until Robbie's phone starts ringing,
"It's Jason, I got to get going before mum finds out and I get grounded" rolls his eyes. "Goody two shoes" I tease, "Oi no I'm not" he scoffs,
"I'm just kidding" I laugh "anyways, I'll see ya tomorrow" he runs his hand through his hair, "thanks for being there for me, you're a good mate" I smile softly, "no worries, you can text me anytime" he smiles back, "bye Robbie" "Bye Lols"

After a while of sitting in the Folly alone I head back to the house and luckily by the looks of things everyone was asleep. I try to not make noise and quietly walk upstairs and head into my bedroom I get undressed back into my pyjamas and fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow due to me being so intoxicated. Let's hope that everything will go smoothly tomorrow...

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