Chapter 5

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A few weeks later

Since that night I haven't really spoke to my mum, she has mostly been blanking me and to be honest I have been doing the same.
I am meeting up with Robbie later today, me and him have been getting closer and I have been going around to his house more often and get along really well with his family, Robbie and I are very similar since we both have a lot of siblings so we both understand having a hectic household.
It's Saturday so luckily I don't have no school today and I have been causing trouble in school with Robbie so I'm not in Mr Blake's good books, but then again he's not in my good books either, I kinda get creepy vibes from him.
I head downstairs to see Mercedes and Paul in the kitchen talking about something secretive by the looks of things.
"What are you guys talking about?" I cross my arms. "None of ya business Nosey" Mercedes shoots back, "okay calm down" I put my hands up a little. "You doing anything today or are you gonna lounge around the house like a slob" Mercedes teases. "No i am meeting up with Robbie later, so I will get out of your way" I lean against the kitchen counter. Mercedes goes upstairs leaving me and Paul on our own, I catch Paul staring at me, "what are you looking at?" I raise my eyebrow. "You think you are so much better than everyone don't you?" He scoffs, "maybe, why? You not used to girls rejecting your advances?" I glare at him. "You promised you wouldn't bring that up" He whispers angrily,
"I wonder what Mercedes and my mum would think about you perving on me when I was 15 years old? Seriously what are you gonna do?" I saw in fake sweet voice,
"Something I might regret" he says as he gets in my face and grits his teeth, "I'm not scared of you" I don't back down, "you should be..." he gives me a menacing grin, "Paul, we need to pop to town to get some stuff for the wedding, what's going on here?" Mercedes comes back downstairs and sees Paul in my face, "nothing, I was just telling her about a surprise I have ready for the wedding, isn't that right" Paul said as he looked at me, "yeah that's right, I told him I'm not good at keeping secrets so I'll try and not let it slip out" I said, hinting to what we was really on about. "Anyways, I'm gonna meet up with Robbie now, I'll see ya in a bit" I headed to the door and headed to Robbie house.
I knock on the door and Freddie answers,
"Hi Lola, you ok?" He asks,
"No not really, can I come in?" I ask,
"Yeah sure" he says as I walk into the living room, "Robbie isn't here at the moment but you can wait if you like" he offers, "thanks, I don't really want to be at home at the moment" I sigh a little. "Why what's the matter?" He asks in a concerned tone, "it's nothing honestly" I try to not make it a big deal. "It can't be nothing if you don't want to be at home, I won't say anything" he reassures me,
"Ok... so you know Paul Browning the doctor?" He nods "yeah Joes fiancée Lindsey works with him, why?". "So, one of the reasons I went off the rails before I moved to Alicante, was because he tried to make an advance on me, multiple times..." I admitted, "does anyone else know about this?" He asked, I shake my head. "Oh Lola I'm so sorry that happened to you, are you planning on telling Robbie?" He sits down next to me on the couch, "I don't know yet" I sigh, "I don't want him to worry" i continue. "I don't blame you for going off the rails, something like that is bound to mess you up in the head" he puts his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "Thanks for being so kind to me Freddie" I smile. "You're our Robbie's best mate, he's never cared as much for his other friends than he has for you." He said, which surprised me a little, "he does?" I tilt my head, "yeah he wants to spend time with you more than us" he chuckles, then Freddie's phone began to vibrate. "It's my mum, one minute" he puts the phone to his ear, "hi mum, you alright" he answers, "what? He's been arrested!" He looked stressed, "I'll be there soon" he put the phone down, "what is it?" I tilt my head. "Robbie has been arrested for trying to rob Price slice." "Arrested!" I gasp, "yeah he's at the police station right now" he tells me, "is it alright if I come with you?" I ask. "Yeah come on let's go" we rush out the door and head to the police station.
"We came as soon as we heard" Freddie said as we walk in, everyone else is already there,
"Seriously what does he think he is playing at, he promised he would stop all of this" Sandy sighed, "it's Robbie, of course he isn't gonna stop" Jason rolls his eyes. A few hours later Robbie was let out surprisingly, "as soon as we get home you are grounded, you understand!" Sandy snaps at him, "it wasn't even me!" He snaps back, "oh really then who was it?" Joe questions him. "A mate" he says bluntly, "a mate?" Freddie raises an eyebrow, "yeah" he responds, "you're lucky you haven't been charged" Ziggy tells him, "Lola I promise I didn't do it" Robbie looks at me. "It's ok I believe you" I reply, not wanting to stress him out anymore than he is. "Come on let's get going" Sandy ushers us out the police station,
"As soon as we get back you are going straight to your room and you are grounded for 3 weeks" Sandy orders. "That ain't fair!" Robbie reacts, "what's not fair is you and your 'mate' robbing price slice and terrifying a pregnant shopkeeper in the process" Joe reprimands him, "I'm sorry alright" he looks down, "home now" Freddie tells him, "I'll see you at school okay?" I look at Robbie, "yeah see ya in a bit" he gives a little smile to me before him and the rest of his family except Freddie head home. "Sorry about you getting dragged into this Lola" he apologises, "it's fine honestly, Robbie is my best friend anyway so I'll be there for him no matter what" I smile softly. "I got to head back now, but if you ever and I mean ever need to talk about the browning situation, you know where to find me" he tells me as he places his hands on my shoulders, "thank you, it means a lot" I smile. "See ya Lola" "Bye Fred"

Later in the night I am trying to fall asleep, but I can't due to everything that has happened today and my thoughts were running at a hundred miles a second, so I decided to go downstairs to get a glass of water, and just my luck Paul was down there, "can't sleep?" He asks, "like you care" I scoff. "You better have not been running that little mouth of yours to anyone have you?" He glares at me, "no of course not" I grab a glass from the cupboard, "look at me" he grits his teeth as he grabs my chin aggressively, "get your hands off me" I scowl, trying to remove his hand off me, but he had a firm grip. "I mean it you ever tell anyone about our secret, and I will kill you..." he says coldly, which sends a shiver down my spine. "You understand?" He asks, "yes" I mumble. "Good" he says bluntly. I grab my water and run upstairs to my room and lay in my bed trying to process what happened, and if meant what he said...

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