Chapter 11

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August 2013

It's been a month since the kiss and things have been going pretty good between me and Robbie however we haven't really spoke about the kiss as I don't know how to bring it up and I don't think he does either. I have been spending most of my time at the Roscoes house since I don't wanna be at home that much at the moment especially with Browning there all the time, but I haven't finished blackmailing him yet and I think he knows that.

I arrive at Robbie's house, "hi Lols, you know you don't have to knock, you are welcome here anytime" he chuckles. "Oh ok makes sense" I laugh a little and enter the house, "so Robbie I have been thinking about the Browning situation and I think now is the best time to get more money out of him" I tell him, "how much?" He asks. "Five grand..." I announce,
"Lols are ya crazy he won't give that much to ya will he?" He responds trying to knock sense into me. "Of course he will Robbie he has to" I look at him with a smile "are you sure though  he will hand it over to you that easily?" He raises his eyebrow. "He has to if he wants me to keep his secret from Mercedes" I smile whilst leaning against the kitchen counter. "Dont ya think that's a little dangerous, you said he has threatened ya before" he says with concern, "I'll be ok Robbie I promise, you know me. I don't go down without a fight" I say as I look into his eyes in which he looks straight back into mine. "Okay... please be careful Lols" he says, "I promise" I respond and hug him and he wraps his arms around me, making me feel the most safe than I have in a long time.

I text Browning to meet me at the loft or else. I walk up the stairs to the loft and wait for him to arrive which only was around five minutes until he walks up the stairs with his evil eyes looking at me. "So Lola, what is it you want this time?" He glares, "I think we both know what I want" I cross my arms with a smug smile. "You really think £500 is gonna last me forever do ya?" I raise my eyebrow, "are you asking me for money?" He scowls, "bang on the money" I smirk, "but, this time I want 5 grand" I continue. "I can't Mercedes will know about the money going out of the bank" he responds coldly. "You're good at lying, make up an excuse" I roll my eyes. "You think you can get all this money out of me for free?" He scowls. "Yeah if you want me to keep my gobby mouth shut, like I said Paul you really don't wanna mess with me. I will make your life crumble right In front of you." I get in his face. "You know what I am capable of..." he says coldly. "You won't do anything to me!" I scoff. "Don't test me Lola or I will kill you like how I killed Lynsey!" He snapped, my eyes widen in shock. "You... you killed Lynsey Nolan?" I stutter in shock as I start to back away from him. "I told you, I'm not one to be messed with" he said as he started to step closer, "now I know more shit about ya I want the 5 grand now!" I shout hysterically. "I have had it with you, you little brat!" He shouted as tried to grab me but before he did I slapped him, "you shouldn't  have done that..." he said with a sinister tone before he grabbed me by my neck and began to squeeze tightly, I began to flail around and tried to feel around behind me and my body began to grow numb I continued to feel around  behind me and I felt something and grabbed a bottle, I smashed it over his head making him fall to the ground unconscious. I fell to the floor trying to catch my breath, I gasped for air and looked at Browning. He looked like he would wake up any minute, I pulled myself up and stumbled out the door. I heard footsteps behind me and Browning was standing behind me, "I am done playing these games with you Lola" he snarls, "get away from me" I say with my voice being raspy due to my voice box being weak from being strangled, "someone help me!" I tried to scream but my voice was very croaky however it was quite audible, "you always thought you could outsmart me Lola, always thinking you had one over me. Well you have got that wrong haven't you?" He scowls, "I love Mercedes, and I'm not gonna let you ruin my marriage due to what we had!" He shouted, "what we had? We had nothing. You was just a dirty... old pervert who saw a younger girl... and thought you can take advantage of me well I'm not letting that happen" I struggle to get the words out, "you are a twisted nasty piece of work!" He snaps as he tries to lunge at me, I don't back down and try overpower him, we start fighting on the balcony, I start to go a little light headed from the lack of oxygen from Paul strangling me and my body crashes down the stairs of the balcony to the loft and everything goes black....

Authors note: Ooo will Lola survive? I guess we will have to find out next chapter ❤️

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