Chapter 8

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I wake up with my head spinning, I probably shouldn't have drank that much alcohol. I blacked out after my 10th shot of vodka. I turn over in bed to see Robbie asleep next to me, I gasped in shock "oh my god!" I shouted, which startled Robbie awake, "ahhh! What's wrong!" He looked at me really confused, "we didn't-" I pointed to both of us, how do I not remember turning up to his house, "what no of course not! I wouldn't do that when you was that drunk, especially since Jase is sleeping right below us" he explained. I let out a sigh of relief and then Jason walks into the room. "Oh god what did ya both get up to last night" he looked a bit shocked, "nothing Jase, Lols was drinking and she turned up here drunk so I let her stay the night" Robbie explained, "yeah well trying explaining this to mum" Jason replied, "you're such a goody two shoes Jason" I groaned as I lie back down, my head was killing because of my hangover. "You look like you have been dug up from the grave" Robbie joked, "you try drinking nearly 3 bottles of vodka and we'll see what you look like" I groaned. "Come on I'll make you a coffee to try and make you feel better" he budged me gently to get up, "what do you mean by that?" I laugh a little, "not like that, god you're so dirty minded" he laughs,
"Come on get up" he nudges me again "fine" I stretched and slowly got out of bed due to feeling queasy.

I make my way downstairs and sit on the couch. "Here you go" Robbie hands me a coffee, "thanks" I smile and take a sip, hopefully it will give me some energy. "So how was the wedding?" Robbie asked, "well Paul got exposed for what he did to Lindsey but Mercy has no idea about what he is doing to me yet. So I'm gonna rinse him out of as much money I can" I tell him and continue to drink the coffee, "serves him right, I wanna kick his head in" Robbie clenches his fists, "he has made a lot of enemies believe me, I've got £500 out of him so far" I smile whilst showing him the envelope. "You are a genius you know that?" He smiles at me, "I know, I'm gonna meet up with him later for more money" I smile back, then Sandy walks in. "Hi Lola what are you doing here so early?" She questions me, "oh I just needed to talk to Robbie about something" I lied, "but your still wearing you're bridesmaid dress?" She pointed to my dress, "oh umm..." I tried to think of what to say, "mum she got locked out of her house last night so I let her stay for the night" he told half of the truth. "Oh alright why didn't you just tell me that?" She looks confused, "Lols thought you'd be mad" Robbie told her, "oh no of course not, make yourself at home" she smiles warmly to me, "thank you Sandy" I smile back. Sandy goes into the kitchen leaving me and Robbie and I on our own, "I'm guessing you won't be going to school tomorrow" he laughs, "I don't know yet depends if my head is still spinning like crazy" I place my hand on my head as I wince a a little. "It's probably best you rest for the rest of the day" Robbie advises. Freddie then walks in, "you look like a ghost" he jokes, "haha very funny, aren't ya supposed to be working?" I raise my eyebrow. "It's my lunch break, I heard about what happened with Mercedes and Lindsey" he said as he sits down on the other couch next to us. "Yeah let's just say Mercedes doesn't learn that's for sure, he dragged her kicking and screaming to the alter and even then she still married him. Just wait until she finds out what he's been doing to me" I scoff.
"How you feeling today anyway?" Freddie asks,
"I'd be lying if I said I felt ok" I laughed a little. "Freddie is that you?" Sandy shouted from the kitchen. "Yeah mum it's me!" He shouted back.
"Okay can you help me out with washing please?" Sandy asked, "fine" he answered and walked into the kitchen. "Okay so, I was wondering maybe later on in the year we should go away for a week or something with the money Browning is giving me" I smile.
"Yeah sure, you're the best you know that" he smiles back. "I know" I joke and hug him, my eyes lands on his, I lean closer and so does he, the tension starts rising until Freddie walks in. "Joe wants you at the garage Rob, there's a car that needs fixing" Freddie tells him not realising me and Robbie just nearly kissed. "Do I have to" Robbie groans, "yeah come on" Freddie nudges him to get up. "I'll see ya later ok?" Robbie looks at me, "yeah that's ok" I smile softly, "I'll head out back to mine and check on my family, they are probably wondering where I am" I chuckle as I get up and walk to the door, "see ya Lols" he smiles at me, "bye Robbie" I smile back and walk back to my house.

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