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liliana- 18 years old (8 years later)

lilia calls mia.

"mia where are you?. you should be at home by now. your brother is ganna come home soon and ill get in trouble by him with you"

all lilia can hear is loud music in the other side of the phone. "mia, dont tell me your at a party or a club?!" lilia whisper shouts.

"yess! dont worry im not ganna get drunk"

"mia! get home right now. imaging what will happen if sir adriano finds out!"

"oh stop, dont be a goody good. even though i dont like gia, sometimes she goes to clubs and she always okayy."

"yeah because she always finds away to sneak out and back in"

"eh whatever! i know too!. lilia just come over and party, you've just turned 18 cmon!"

"are you crazy!? im not going to try to die today!"

"ughh fine im coming home... after some shots" mia giggled.

"mia!. wha- i-im. mia im going to kill you if sir adriano doesent." lilia shouts through the phone but mia cuts the call. lilia debates on what to do. should she collect mia? or wait? mia just made lilia's life 10 times harder.

"lilia calm down. its not the end of the world. calm down." lilia whispers to herself.

after 3 hours mia still hasent arrived and lilia grows to feel worried. she feels the need to collect mia so she wears her fluffy cardigen and wears her shoes to exit the house. as she opens the door she see's adriano exiting his car... and mia right behind walking slumply towards the car. with a boy.

lilia gasps in horror. her eyes widen. and this is the day she knows is ganna be the end of the world. lilia thinks and thinks but she has no time to think.

"hey! sir adriano" she runs to him hoping to distract him. she stops right in front of the fountain. "come here!"

adriano raises an eyebrow. adriano has never talked to lilia or gia. he has always instructed the butler for their needs. this was strange and unusual.

he comes walking towards her with his full masculinity until his stops right in front of her and she gets a sniff of his manly spicy cologne. he towers over her short frame and makes her feel like a insect.

lilia gives a awkward smile and starts waving her hand to the left to signal the blonde boy to take mia to the backyard. she glances for a milliesecond with a death look pointing the same direction. she makes it less obvious by using the same hand to wave at adriano hoping he thinks its a normal wave. lucky the boy takes the signal.

"what do you want" adriano deep raspy voice speaks.

"so.. i quite like this uhm fountain dont you?"

adriano doesent speak, just stares

"its such a nice uhh ivory- like it just catches you eye isnt it?" she secretly glances. "but it would be soooo much better if it was uhh.. uhm.. if it was- if it was pink!" lilia squealed. "baby pink would be sooo beautifull!."

the boy and mia reach the side of adriano and lilia and lilia needs to reposition adriano so he doesent see the front.

lilia grabs both of his arms and switch sides.

"ahah ah" she awkwardly laughs. "uhm no-now just imagine if you arent looking at the fountain.. what colour would it be? it would be pink right!" she smiles hesitantly.

"what are you up to" he grabs her elbow, bringing her closer. lilia grew nervous from the space between them and flushed.

she glances forward and see's that the boy has left and the coast was clear.

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