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the day dawned crisp and clear. lilia stretched her muscles as she woke up.

She got out of bed and freshned up

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She got out of bed and freshned up. she wore a light blue knee length dress and made her way downstairs to eat breakfast.

"hey, sweetheart" martha said. everyone was in the table except for adriano. lilia took a seat. after lilia took a seat, adriano had arrived.

as the head of the house he sat in the main chair. food was served, and everyone ate after adriano took the first bite.

the men talked about buisness and the women stayed silent like always. while talking about buisness the topic switched to survival and forms of survival.

"i make sure my family knows every tip of survival" vincenzo said
"we taught gia survival at a young age like swimming when she was 8 years old, we were thinking about teaching lilia but she only was four and i guess we forgot about that and unfortunatley she never got the chance to learn swimming"

"perhaps, it would be nice is lilia learned that skill" martha said in a ladylike manner.

"yes, swimming is a necessity" adriano's father, lorenzo replied.

"mabey, she could learn it now?" martha said

lorenzo nodded but adriano interrpted.

"how unlucky, this age is not suitable anymore since she would be showing too much skin if she went on swimming lessons." adriano cut the omelette "she can attract far too many guys. women should not have interactions with guys." adriano was clearly jealous. ever since he watched her ballet he has becomed possesive and obssesed.

"yes yes, that is also true." vincezno replied

"but swimming is a good skill." lorenzo said.
"adriano, you know how to swim no?"


"then you should coach lilia, it will be more suitable knowing there isnt any other men around her"

"im a busy man... but i can fit it in my schedual" he grinned. adriano didnt mind teaching lilia only if theres no other man to lust over her in a bikini.

lilia processed the information. private swimming lessons. with adriano?. she wanted to protest but she knew no would litcen to her.

gia eyes twitched. she wanted private lessons with adriano. it should have been her not lilia.

"father, i think i should get a couple of lessons with sir adriano, what if i forgot?" gia spoke to her dad.

"sweetheart, did you not swim in the pool 2 weeks ago?" martha said

gia fumed and her mouth twitched.

"oh right, stupid of me. i forgot"

"well thats sorted then-" vincenzo said.

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