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Trigger warning: mention of suicide.

The lock of the front door clicked open and the hinges swung open smoothly

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The lock of the front door clicked open and the hinges swung open smoothly.

"Songie, you home?"

"I'm here," Songmin called out, looking up from the coloring pages on the coffee table in front of her toward the door.

Eunhye was slipping her shoes off, her backpack heavy on her back and cloth grocery bags hanging on her arms. She heaved the bags over onto a kitchen counter, setting her backpack down on the ground beside the shoe rack. "Geez, these bags are heavy. I should've done a grocery run sooner, I didn't realize we had so much stuff missing until now."

"You could've asked me to go with you, help you carry some things," Songmin said, turning her attention back to her currently-in-progress coloring page. She couldn't decide if she wanted to use the seafoam green or navy blue marker to color the unicorn's hair. Or maybe purple was the better decision. She shrugged to herself and picked up the lilac purple marker underneath the coffee table. Purple is always the better decision.

Eunhye leaned over the kitchen island and frowned at seeing Songmin (who was still in her sleep wear) sitting on the floor with a multitude of vibrant markers surrounding her, a blanket thrown over the couch behind her. "Are you sure you're okay sleeping out here on the couch? I know you want some sunlight, but I feel terrible seeing you sleep on the couch when your bed is so much bigger. My offer for you to sleep in my room still holds, you know. There's a window in there you could keep open for some fresh air, and I don't mind taking your room for a bit."

Songmin shook her head, her focus still mostly on making sure she didn't color over the lines. It was only when she opened her mouth to talk that she realized how close to the paper she had leaned and she moved back, putting some distance between her eyes and the page. "That's okay, I like sleeping out here. Our bedrooms are a nice size, but I like waking up in this larger living room every morning. It feels...less confining, and the window's larger out here."

"Alright," Eunhye conceded, not wanting to push the girl too much. It hadn't been that long since Renjun had found her, and from what Renjun had said, the situation was serious and Eunhye wanted to respect Songmin's boundaries as much as she could for the time being. Pushing off of the island, Eunhye started rummaging through the bags, putting away the cold items. "Do you want anything to eat? I've restocked on yogurt, fruits, I even got some onigiri just to keep in our fridge for a day or two, if you want one now."

"Just some yogurt would be nice," Songmin replied, switching to a shade of pastel blue for the unicorn's horn. The color came out darker than she'd expected, but it still looked nice regardless.

Putting the last cold item into the fridge, Eunhye took out a cup of peach yogurt and, slipping a spoon from the utensil drawer, she joined Songmin in the living room. She set the yogurt and spoon on an empty spot on the coffee table then sat down cross-legged on the couch behind Songmin. "Want me to do your hair?"

ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤 ⭒ ℍ𝕦𝕒𝕟𝕘 ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕦𝕟Where stories live. Discover now