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"Would you like a bag?"

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"Would you like a bag?"

The customer nodded, signing her loopy signature on the small payment terminal screen. "Yes, please."

Reaching under the counter, Songmin pulled out a small plastic bag from the drawer of bags for customer use and, taking the utmost care to not damage the products being bought, slipped the three records and albums on the counter into the bag. She carefully tore the receipt when it printed and dropped it in the bag. She held the bag out and gave her best exhausted customer-service smile. "Thank you for shopping with us."

The customer took the bag from Songmin's outstretched arm and returned her smile. She left and as soon as the door to the record store closed, Songmin flopped down onto the counter, dropping her head onto her arms and closing her eyes. We've only had three customers today and I'm already exhausted. She sighed, sinking further onto the counter. Maybe I should be getting more sleep.

"Songmin, honey, I'm heading out early today."

At the sound of Mrs. Ki's voice, Songmin reluctantly lifted her head to see the elderly woman limping out from the back room, leaning more heavily on her cane than usual. Songmin frowned. Her leg must be especially painful today. 

During the time Songmin had been gone, Mrs. Ki had suffered an accident and hurt her leg badly. Despite the fact that she hadn't fully recovered, she insisted on walking, though Songmin could tell it was often very painful for her to put weight on it. But Mrs. Ki refused to hear Songmin's worries about the injury and continued to walk about as freely as she pleased.

Making her way over to the counter, Mrs. Ki set the store keys on the counter beside Songmin. "My husband wants me home early tonight. I feel bad leaving you here alone, but I trust you to close up shop." She gave Songmin a sympathetic look, patting the girl's arm. "And my goodness, do make sure you get some sleep when you get home. The shadows under your eyes are so dark it's a wonder you're even awake right now."

"Have a safe trip home," Songmin said with a small smile, pointedly not replying to Mrs. Ki's concern; however, her eyelids did start to feel heavy at the mention of her eye bags. She tried to hold back the yawn that was coming on, not wanting to prove she was as tired as she looked, but it escaped her nonetheless. 

Mrs. Ki shook her head, hobbling her way toward the store door. "Thank you, child. I'll see you next week." With one last wave exchanged, the door closed behind her and she disappeared past the store window into the evening.

Dropping her cheek back onto her arm, Songmin's eyes drifted to the one of two clocks in the shop, the other one being in the back room. The one within sight high up on the wall, its hands ticking sluggishly, indicated that it was only seven o'clock. Letting out a soft groan, she turned her head the other way. Still three more hours until my shift ends.

Her eyes closed slowly. I've never missed my bed so badly.

But I can't sleep yet.

ℙ𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟𝕤 ⭒ ℍ𝕦𝕒𝕟𝕘 ℝ𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕦𝕟Where stories live. Discover now