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"He still continues to run," said Chief Tak, her calm tone belying the bewilderment she felt as she watched the figure before them. The ground around them was littered with broken earth. "I am impressed, nearly forty minutes has passed and his speed has not yet faltered."

Tae Hyun turned sideways to look at her then back at the figure and felt an unfamiliar sense of embarrassment hit him.

What was this omega doing?


A violent spout of air pushed through the ground in the spot the omega's foot had touched just a second prior.

Unfazed, he kept running.


Was he planning on running forever? The omega needed his instincts to take over or they would be at this all day.

"Fear does not come easily to him, it seems," she said after a long moment of silence.

Tae Hyun turned once more to face her. Her gaze remained on the omega. He then felt the earth shake beneath him and turned his head back around to where the omega continued to run. Another violent spout of air came forth but instead of merely shooting up from the ground, it shot forward, creating a line of disturbed earth between the omega's legs. He watched as he tried to dodge the oncoming onslaught of air, successfully doing so but only to then lose his footing, hopping awkwardly on one foot before tumbling down onto the ground.

A bubble formed beneath the grass where he had fallen. Tae Hyun watched with bated breath as the omega, instead of attempting to dodge the oncoming attack, simply jumped high as the air burst forth from the ground, as if he attempted to ride it.

"Idiot!" Tae Hyun called out just as he saw Chief Tak's hand roll into a quick fist. The air about the omega dispersed in all directions just before it touched him. The remaining air lifted his shirt up and off of him in the process.

Tae Hyun's expression turned to one of dismay, as he watched him, a thirty year old omega, standing in the middle of the field, shirtless, eyes wide as he looked around frantically, likely for another attack. The omega was an embarrassment and Tae Hyun couldn't believe that he had agreed to endorse him. He couldn't even display a proper mana burst.

"What's going on?" asked the omega as he bumbled his way toward them, seemingly unconcerned by his half naked state.

Tae Hyun grimaced. This was who he was going to make his omega. How was he the first omega Saerim to emerge... he just couldn't believe it.

"Mr. Tae," said Chief Tak, her voice hinting at amusement. "You may be the first person I have ever come across who did not display a mana burst during my exercise."

"I– Oh," said Yoo Jin, scratching the back of his head. Tae Hyun's eyes immediately honed in on his bared chest and quickly turned his head away. This omega had no shame. "Sorry, I forgot it was a test." He laughed, "It felt almost like an obstacle course."

"Your stamina is impressive but did it not instill in you any sense of fear? Those bursts, had they touched you, could easily rip off a great deal of your skin, perhaps dislocating several of your joints as well."

Yoo Jin's eyes widened. "Really? Wow, I didn't really think about that at all."

Idiot. He couldn't even feel fear appropriately.

Chief Tak made a low sound as if she was in thought. "It isn't entirely necessary that I see the mana burst, however, I am now beginning to wonder if what Tae Hyun saw," she said as she turned to face Tae Hyun, "was in fact, caused by this omega."

Tae Hyun met her eyes and then looked back at Yoo Jin, who scratched his head.

"I was wondering that too," he said. "I mean nothing has happened since and even now."

"No," Tae Hyun interrupted, meeting Chief Tak and then Yoo Jin's gaze. "He is a Saerim." He was certain of it, his conviction absolute. He hadn't told anyone, not even Yoon but something else had happened that day in the club called 'Omega'. Not only had he seen the hole in the wall but when the omega had left and Tae Hyun had stood there curiously, wondering if what he had witnessed had actually happened, he had felt something. A tingling jolted up and down his spine and a moment later, his senses began to dull but somewhere in the fog, he had seen the image of a white cat with a forked tail and then the scent of an unfamiliar pheromone.

When he came to, he had felt a rush so intense that he had been able to see the static-like manifestation of his mana... mana which was supposed to be invisible to the human eye. And yet his ingeom was nowhere in sight, still tucked away in his mana pocket.

Every fiber of his being had told him that the white cat and the static had been caused by the omega who had just left.

That was the reason why he had decided to make this plain omega his though he had despised the idea of making just any omega his pair.

When he had first realized the deterioration of his mana control, Tae Hyun had briefly considered doing just that but his body had quickly rejected every omega's pheromone while his mind could not help but remember a long ago encounter with one particular omega.

He had already met his fated pair. And no other omega would do, no other could do.

That omega had been his first love, the child of a servant his father had hired in the house Tae Hyun had been raised in, secluded, in a place away from the main family home. They had not been friends but even from the very first day, Tae Hyun had felt a pull toward him and had followed him around like a chick with his mother hen. He knew that the omega had likely pitied him, a twelve year old boy alone raised only by a handful of servants. And when one night, Tae Hyun had somehow stumbled upon his fated pair in heat, his pheromones had brought about something in him that he had never felt before and he had known, beyond even a shred of doubt, that that omega was his fate.

But the next day, the omega and his father had disappeared and not a single word was said among the remaining servants.

Since then, Tae Hyun had been searching for that omega and when he had manifested as a Saerim, something all three of his siblings that came before him failed to do, he had been let out of that lonely place and brought into the main family home.

He didn't care about being part of the Council, if anything, he would choose to throw away any and all ties he had with the Moon name and the Mirae Group. That bet meant nothing to him but this omega, the one who was not his fated mate, had sprung within him a surge of mana that Tae Hyun had never felt before.

If it had to be this way anyways, if he was forced to take on an omega to stabilize his pheromones, it might as well be an omega whose power was indisputable.

"I have no doubt about it," he said.

After a long moment of quiet assessment, Chief Tak nodded. "If you say so, Tae Hyun," she replied, her gaze sharp but her tone gentle.

She then turned back to Yoo Jin. "We will begin the training."

The omega looked at the Chief then at Tae Hyun and then once more back at her. "Alright," he replied, his tone bright and enthusiastic despite the obvious misgivings he was feeling. But it didn't strike Tae Hyun as surprising, he had come to the realization that this man was a resilient simpleton. "What do I need to do?"

Without further explanation she began to walk toward the grounds' gates. Yoo Jin turned to him and shrugged before following. Tae Hyun stood still for a moment longer, not certain of what was to come next. In the years that he had been at the Academy, he had never witnessed Chief Tak provide individual training to anyone.

The omega didn't know it but his case was more unique than he could ever possibly imagine.

Sending another look of disbelief toward the ignorant man, Tae Hyun soon followed in his quiet footsteps.

The Impossible Virgin Omega WizardWhere stories live. Discover now