Into the Crevice

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Tae Hyun frowned, he had never before been into the mountain outside of the Academy, had never had any desire or curiosity to. Occasionally young alphas would sneak out into the forest, sometimes in small groups, sometimes to meet their omegas during periods of enforced abstinence but Tae Hyun had never once seen the appeal. After all, there was nothing in the mountains except trees and animals.

For the next hour or so Chief Tak continued to quietly lead them further into the woods, Tae Hyun's frown deepening with every mile.

At last, just as the sun was reaching the horizon, they came across a pond partially covered by the opening of a cave. Its surface was littered with water lilies. It was quiet and the water was unusually still.

"There is an old tradition, one that has never been written down, simply passed by word of mouth," said Chief Tak as she began to remove her slippers and outer robe.

Tae Hyun turned away to provide her some privacy then tugged at the omega's arm when he did not immediately do the same.

"I am long past worrying about my modesty," said Chief Tak with a chuckle. "You may turn around though I cannot be responsible for any scarring you might suffer."

Tae Hyun briefly met the omega's gaze, who grinned back at him in return.

"Uh fair warning," Yoo Jin said brightly, "since I'm not wearing one of those robes, I'll be going in with just my boxers." And Tae Hyun watched again in embarrassment as the omega stripped off his clothes until he was left in nothing but a pair of bright pink, heart motif boxers and a pair of white socks.

Yoo Jin's face turned bright red. "Urg, I forgot I was wearing these," he said as he met Tae Hyun's eyes and Tae Hyun suddenly felt an unfamiliar twitch at the edges of his mouth. "You know, you're the one who just brought me here, without any change of clothes" the omega quickly explained, though Tae Hyun had not said a word, "these were the only clean pair I had in my home that day. I had no choice but to keep wearing these but they're clean! I washed them just last night."

"Did I say anything?" he responded coldly as he turned away, trying to still the strange bubble of laughter that had suddenly formed within him. For some reason, the sight of that omega, thirty in age, loud and foolish, in nothing but bright pink boxers littered with hearts and a pair of white socks, with cheeks nearly as pink made him want to laugh.

He cleared his throat and casually shook his head. No, no, it was simply that this omega was so unusually dumb, there was nothing about him that was even remotely funny. He was simply perplexed; that was the only explanation as to why he wanted to do something as useless as laughter. Comforted by his thoughts, he removed his own outer robe, revealing the white garment beneath.

Chief Tak led them into the lake. As soon as he touched the water, Tae Hyun felt goosebumps rise on skin. Beside him, he heard the omega gasp in surprise.

"Damn, it's cold," said Yoo Jin, his teeth chattering as they waded into the water. For a moment, the omega's bare arm touched his and Tae Hyun felt a strange jolt run through his body. He peered at him in surprise but the omega seemed not to notice, instead wrapping his arms about himself as he shivered visibly in the cold.

Chief Tak's voice suddenly came from in front of them. "Tradition spoke of Saerims learning to control their mana using these caves." She stopped and turned to face them, the water stood less than an inch from her neck. "It is an old method and a practice that has died out. The results were not consistent and at times, it had led to sickness or even death of the practitioner. But when successful, mana control can be learned quickly." She paused and then met Tae Hyun's eyes. "You should be familiar with a similar method," she said softly.

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