No Room for Defeat

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Yoo Jin looked out at the crowd before him, searching for a familiar face.

Sera, the female alpha, who had gone with Tae Hyun to the cave the previous night was nowhere to be found. He looked around again. He wasn't even sure what her class was but there were noticeably fewer female alphas than male ones so she should have been easy to spot.

Her absence likely meant that she still had not returned.

Tae Hyun had stumbled back into his room around 2AM that morning, waking Yoo Jin with the loud squelching of his wet shoes. When Yoo Jin had turned on the lights, his eyes had honed in on a very drenched alpha. Only his outer robes were partially dry but they were rapidly becoming soaked while pieces of algae and water lilies were stuck to his pants.

Yoo Jin had jumped off the bed to help him remove his clothing, asking him, as he did so, if Tae Hyun had found anything in the caves.

Tae Hyun, who had gone first to report to Chief Tak, mumbled something under his breath as he tossed aside his robe and pulled his undershirt above his head, revealing a wet, naked torso. He then, in curt tones, told him that no dungeon entrance had been found but there were some evidence of a creature, scales too luminescent and large for any lake fish and locks of long iridescent hair that belonged to no known human or animal.

His explanation as always was concise, providing just the necessary information but as he began to make his way toward the bathroom, brushing away his wet hair that had fallen over his eyes, he had stopped in his tracks, his face still turned away from him.

"It's unusual," he had said, "for dungeon entrances to form within a body of water. But," he paused, his face still turned away, "I believe you."

Yoo Jin had watched him in stunned curiosity during which Tae Hyun completed his steps toward the bathroom, closing the door behind him with a loud click.

Yoo Jin looked at the closed door for a moment longer before a grin formed in his face.

"This punk," he had said softly to himself, "is kind of cute."


Yoo Jin stumbled as his nose hit the broad back in front of him, halting him in his tracks. He looked up and peered around Tae Hyun to gaze at the young alphas who stood before them.

Earlier that day as Yoo Jin had donned the gray, colorless robes and, as instructed by Doctor Yoon, had walked the path that started at the western gates, through the pavilion, and stopped at the large double doors that led to the ceremony hall, where their audience, the alphas whose classes were already determined and their omegas stood, observing them. Their expressions were noticeably curious, their gazes focusing more often on him and Tae Hyun than the other three participants.

"Are you going to be joining us in the dungeon?" asked one of the three young alphas that stood beside them to Tae Hyun. He was lanky and tall, his height rivaling Tae Hyun's despite his youth. Yoo Jin could see about an inch of skin peeking out from the edge of his robes.

The other two alphas snickered. "Stupid," said the one whose hair was styled back in a way that Yoo Jin vaguely recognized was currently in fashion. "Don't you know who this is? He's one of the strongest wizards here." He and his friend laughed, "and you thought he was going to join us in a petty examination dungeon?"

Tae Hyun ignored them but Yoo Jin looked at the tall alpha, whose face flushed bright red. "He's just here for me," he said with a smile.

The other two alphas turned to him. "And who the hell are you?" they said in a soft voice, obviously trying to keep Tae Hyun from hearing.

Yoo Jin gave them a look. Not one of these alphas could have been more than 17 years old, but old enough to know basic manners and decency. He opened his mouth to reply when a loud sound of doors open came from the terrace above them.

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