Forest & Predators (Part 1)

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"So are you really a wizard omega?" asked Hoon as Yoo Jin stepped over a particularly large root that protruded from the forest floor.

"That's what they say," he replied. He looked up to see the other two alphas several yards away from them. In the hour since they had begun walking, they hadn't once looked back at them. Yoo Jin let out a soft laugh.

"You're not sure?" Hoon asked curiously, turning to him as he ducked to move beneath a large, low hanging branch.

"There's a lot of things I am not sure about yet. Honestly, every time I exhibit a mana burst, I'm not consciously aware of it but Chief Tak confirmed it so it must be true."

"Wow, so you did study with Chief Tak," Hoon replied as his foot slipped on a moss covered rock, his lanky body wobbling a bit before falling. His knees landed on a particularly knobby root and hands on dirt that was covered sparsely with grass and dead leaves.

Yoo Jin grimaced, knowing just how much that must have pained the boy but Hoon did not complain instead he stood and briefly wiped himself off and continued walking as though it was a common occurrence for him.

"You okay?" Yoo Jin asked.

Hoon turned to him in surprise. "Oh yeah, I'm a bit clumsy so I fall all the time. My friend said it was because I shot up so fast, I'm still not used to my feet being so far away from me."

Yoo Jin laughed. "How old are you?"

"I'm seventeen."

Yoo Jin was silent for a moment, remembering what Doctor Yoon had told him about alphas manifesting into wizards after their first sexual encounter with an omega. "Do you have an omega?"

Hoon turned to him in surprise and Yoo Jin moved forward quickly to raise a thick vine before the young alpha ran into it. "I do," he said shyly. He scratched the back of his neck and blushed suddenly then turned away. "She's my first and I promised her that we would become mates when I returned."

"Ah," Yoo Jin smiled, for some reason he was glad that his awkward, gangly young alpha's first time had been with someone he obviously had feelings for. It was too common for alphas and omegas' first time to be either thoughtless moments of heat or cold, calculative decisions. "You didn't bring her with you to the Academy?"

Hoon shook his head. "No, she's studying to become a botanist. She is aiming for a university abroad that allows omegas to enroll. Once they see just how smart she is, I'm sure she'll get in. I'm actually here because I was told that I could make money being a hunter. You see both she and I were raised by her grandmother, who doesn't have much money. I was planning to help pay for her school fees and living expenses when she is abroad."

Yoo Jin paused and looked at the young alpha as he continued to talk about his omega. It was surprising. He had never heard an alpha talk so lovingly about their omega before and to think that they both had the same idea when deciding to enter the Academy.

"Do you have a class that you'd like to become?" Yoo Jin asked.

Hoon shook his head. "Honestly, I wasn't very good at most of the exercises the Academy forced on us. I'm really not sure what I could possibly become. At this point, I'm even wondering if I am cut out to be a wizard, let alone a hunter."

Yoo Jin looked ahead and saw the forms of the other two young alphas steadily getting smaller. He supposed that some of the reason for Hoon's lack of confidence in himself had to do with the negative attention he had received from other young wizards at the Academy.

"Chief Tak had said that the class that we belong to will figure out a way to find us, whether we want to or not. This examination is just a way for us to do it within our or rather the Academy's control. I'm sure it'll come to you and you'll be a natural at it."

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