Ch-25 " One wrong move = hungry kitten"

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[Hyunjin's Pov.]

I exited Chan's mansion, my mind was still reeling from the unexpected encounter with Jisung and Jeongin's amorous display. But as I turned the corner, my thoughts were quickly redirected by the sight of Minho leaning against his sleek black Mercedes AMG. Dressed in a black shirt and two-toned straight-leg jeans, he looked effortlessly cool, scrolling through his phone with a casual air.

I couldn't help but admire the matte black finish of his car, its cat-like features making it stand out among the other vehicles parked nearby, including my beloved Ruby Porsche 911 turbo and Chan's Grey SClass. Despite my fondness for my own car, which Minho and I had picked out together, there was always something about the AMG that drew me in.

I knew Minho was protective of his car, never letting anyone else behind the wheel. But today felt different. With our schedules aligned, there was no need for separate trips to college like on other days. Perhaps I could convince him to let me drive, or maybe he was simply too lazy today knowing we'd be together for the journey. Either way, I couldn't resist the temptation to try my luck. After all, if there was ever a time to test the limits of boyfriend privileges, it was now.

As I approached Minho, I could sense the turmoil swirling within him. Without hesitation, I pulled him closer by his waist, feeling him startle at the sudden contact. I knew he was bothered by something, so I decided to distract him with a playful gesture.

"Inhaling his scent, I teased, "You smell delicious, Minho. Let me have a bite."

Before he could protest, I devoured his neck, marking him with my love in the form of passionate kisses. I could feel him relaxing under my touch, his strong grip on my butt indicating his growing ease. As I sucked on his neck, leaving behind my love marks, I heard him moan my name, his voice laced with desire.

"Hyunjin, we're getting late," he murmured, attempting to regain control of the situation.

Ignoring his protest, I locked eyes with him before capturing his lips in a hungry kiss. He responded eagerly, his lips moving against mine as he tugged on my t-shirt.

Pulling back slightly, I looked into his eyes once more and asked, "Tell me, kitten. I'm all ears. What's bothering you?"

He showed me a picture of himself from a few years back, his younger self displaying his magnificent feathered white -blue wings in all their glory. My heart clenched at the sight of his wings, knowing the pain he must have endured when they were cut down.

I steal a glance at him. His new wings are fuller and bigger, with shades of bright lavender and navy patches, are a sight to behold. They're different from the wings he had before, which were already impressive. But these... these are breathtaking. They speak of power and resilience, a symbol of his inner strength and the battles he's fought.

They're soft, yet strong, much like Minho himself. "Your wings are beautiful," I said softly, my voice filled with admiration. "They're a reflection of who you are-strong, resilient, and incredibly brave. I'm so proud of you, Minho." But he wasn't convinced .

"Hyunjin, my wings... that day, they were the largest, on their full growth. They made me so powerful. Why did she have to cut them down? She took away my pride. She should have killed me instead," he confessed, his words fueling the anger coursing through my veins.

Placing a finger on his lips, I silenced him, shaking my head. "Never say that, kitten. Never ever again. If someone tries to touch you again, I would gladly spend my life in prison."

To reassure him, I showed him a video I had recorded of him a few days back, when he had risked his life to save mine.

In the video, Minho bravely confronted a beast that threatened us, unleashing his powers and wings in a breathtaking display of strength and courage. He fought valiantly, sustaining injuries in the process, but emerged victorious, protecting me with unwavering determination.

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