Saturday with Mercury!!

296 8 25

An alarm clock, the time reads: 6:59AM.



A groan sounds out through the room, before a *slam*. A figure rises from the bed slowly after turning the alarm clock off. He stretches his arms and shuffles out of bed, stretching his legs when he's out from under the covers. yawning as he throws on some slippers, the person stands, going to a calendar.
"What's the day..? Saturday...sleep in...why my alarm clock go off then..?" the voice grumbles to himself, going to the bathroom, he turns the light on and looks in the mirror. He can't help but say aloud,

"God I look like shit."

He places a hand on the tap and twists, turning the hot water on. Running his hands under it, his head falls forward slightly before he quickly rightens himself.
"Stay awake Mercury, stay awake."
He mumbled to himself, bringing his wet hands to his face, washing it. Mercury reaches for a towel and dries his face. Looking in the mirror again.
"Looking better."
He grabs his toothbrush and toothpaste, putting it on the toothbrush before setting the toothpaste aside. Mercury brings the brush to his mouth, starting to brush his teeth.
Up, up, left, right, down, down, side to side, ahhh, wash the tops/bottoms of teeth, brush the behind, rinse mouth, repeat twice.
Mercury sets the toothbrush aside, covering his mouth with his hand as he yawns, stretching the other arm.

'God why am I so tired'

He thought sleepily, maybe he should just go back to bed. But then again, he has lots of revision time. Mercury grabs a comb and starts combing his hair, neatening it. History essay coming up, so is a Maths test. He should spend the day revising. Maybe he could ask Uranus or Jupiter for help? Those two are amazing at history (Jupiter more than Uranus). Uranus is good at maths though. Mercury walks back into his room, heading to his desk, that's covered with photographs of nature, and plopping down in the seat, grabbing his maths book and opening it to his revision booklet, he pulls it out and sets the book aside, rummaging around his pen jars for a pen, he finds a green one. It'll do. He opens his booklet, looking at the first question:

A) If a=4 b=2 and c=7 then what is:
1. a² + b6
2. c4 - 30 
3. ab - c² 

Mercury groans, he forgot it was algebra. He looks at question 1, a = 4 so 4x4 is 16 b is 2 so 2x6 is 12, 16+12=28. Question 2, c 7 so 7x4 is 28 subtract 30, -2. Now question 3...ugh. 4x2=8-(7x7) 49= -41.
He continues on through the booklet, getting to the final question in around an hour (yes the revision booklet is that long bc I want it to be.) and completing it. Maths is done!


Mercury looks over at his phone. 'ignore it.' he looks back at his work, setting the revision booklet aside and grabbing his history book, reading through it.


Mercury groans, standing up from his desk and trudging towards his bed, snatching his phone up. "Why are they SO active?" He grumbled in annoyance.

Tism Team - 8:27AM

Earth: guys whats the answer to 6a + bc - 5xd if a = 4 b = 7 c = 3 d = 9

Mars is online.

Mars:  do ur own homework u gay

Earth: me no no wanna >w<

Mars: then suffer

Earth: atleast help?

Mars: ugh
Mars: 6x4 + 7x3 - 5x9 =

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